10/10 Aaliyah quotes | 6/10 Alberta Hunter quotes |
10/10 Aaron Carter quotes | 6/10 Alan Chadwick quotes |
10/10 Abraham Lincoln quotes | 6/10 Alan Dean Foster quotes |
10/10 Adam Sandler quotes | 6/10 Alan Jay Lerner quotes |
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10/10 Alexander Graham Bell quotes | 6/10 Al Capp quotes |
10/10 Alexis Bledel quotes | 6/10 Adam Osborne quotes |
10/10 Ali Landry quotes | 6/10 Adelle Davis quotes |
10/10 Alicia Keys quotes | 6/10 Adlai E. Stevenson quotes |
10/10 Alicia Silverstone quotes | 6/10 Aaron Sorkin quotes |
10/10 Allen Iverson quotes | 6/10 Alistair Cooke quotes |
10/10 Alley Baggett quotes | 6/10 Alice Miller quotes |
10/10 Alyson Hannigan quotes | 6/10 Amos Bronson Alcott quotes |
10/10 Alyssa Milano quotes | 6/10 Anita Loos quotes |
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10/10 Amanda Peet quotes | 6/10 An Wang quotes |
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10/10 Andy Warhol quotes | 6/10 Anne Schedeen quotes |
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10/10 Anne Hathaway quotes | 6/10 Arthur Fiedler quotes |
10/10 Anna Nicole Smith quotes | 6/10 Barry Commoner quotes |
10/10 Aria Giovanni quotes | 6/10 Barbara Smith quotes |
10/10 Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes | 6/10 Barbara Marx Hubbard quotes |
10/10 Ashlee Simpson quotes | 6/10 Barbara Harris quotes |
10/10 Ashley Judd quotes | 6/10 Barbara Cook quotes |
10/10 Ashton Kutcher quotes | 6/10 Benjamin Spock quotes |
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10/10 Ben Affleck quotes | 6/10 Bennett Cerf quotes |
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10/10 Beyonce Knowles quotes | 6/10 Barry Lopez quotes |
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10/10 Brad Pitt quotes | 6/10 Billy Rose quotes |
10/10 Britney Spears quotes | 6/10 Billy Wilder quotes |
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10/10 Brooke Burke quotes | 6/10 Bishop John Shelby Spong quotes |
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10/10 Buddy Holly quotes | 6/10 Bruce Pearl quotes |
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10/10 Chad Michael Murray quotes | 6/10 Calvin Trillin quotes |
10/10 Charisma Carpenter quotes | 6/10 Carolyn Kizer quotes |
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10/10 Charlize Theron quotes | 6/10 Chester Gould quotes |
10/10 Cher quotes | 6/10 Charles M. Schulz quotes |
10/10 Christina Aguilera quotes | 6/10 Charles Pierce quotes |
10/10 Christina Applegate quotes | 6/10 Charles Kuralt quotes |
10/10 Christina Milian quotes | 6/10 Charles Evans Hughes quotes |
10/10 Christina Ricci quotes | 6/10 Clare Boothe Luce quotes |
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10/10 Courtney Love quotes | 6/10 Chuck Wagner quotes |
10/10 Dale Earnhardt quotes | 6/10 Coleman Young quotes |
10/10 Danni Ashe quotes | 6/10 Damon Runyon quotes |
10/10 Dave Chappelle quotes | 6/10 Cordell Hull quotes |
10/10 Dean Martin quotes | 6/10 Daniel Stern quotes |
10/10 Demi Moore quotes | 6/10 Dean Acheson quotes |
10/10 Denise Richards quotes | 6/10 David Steinberg quotes |
10/10 Diane Lane quotes | 6/10 David Murray quotes |
10/10 Dolly Parton quotes | 6/10 David Rockefeller quotes |
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10/10 Duke Ellington quotes | 6/10 David Friedman quotes |
10/10 Drew Barrymore quotes | 6/10 David Bohm quotes |
10/10 Edgar Allan Poe quotes | 6/10 David Davis quotes |
10/10 Eliza Dushku quotes | 6/10 David Diaz quotes |
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10/10 Elvis Presley quotes | 6/10 David Broder quotes |
10/10 Emily Dickinson quotes | 6/10 David Brooks quotes |
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10/10 Erika Eleniak quotes | 6/10 Dave Gardner quotes |
10/10 Eva Longoria quotes | 6/10 Dashiell Hammett quotes |
10/10 Eva Mendes quotes | 6/10 Diana Vreeland quotes |
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10/10 Fiona Apple quotes | 6/10 Dennis Ritchie quotes |
10/10 Frank Sinatra quotes | 6/10 Delmore Schwartz quotes |
10/10 Frank Zappa quotes | 6/10 Dean Rusk quotes |
10/10 Frederick Douglass quotes | 6/10 Denis Waitley quotes |
10/10 Gabrielle Union quotes | 6/10 Donella Meadows quotes |
10/10 Garth Brooks quotes | 6/10 Dorothy Allison quotes |
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10/10 George Washington Carver quotes | 6/10 Dr. Joyce Brothers quotes |
10/10 Gillian Anderson quotes | 6/10 E. L. Doctorow quotes |
10/10 Goldie Hawn quotes | 6/10 Dwight L. Moody quotes |
10/10 Gretchen Wilson quotes | 6/10 E. B. White quotes |
10/10 Gwen Stefani quotes | 6/10 Ed Wynn quotes |
10/10 Halle Berry quotes | 6/10 Eddie Arcaro quotes |
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10/10 Heather Graham quotes | 6/10 Ed Paschke quotes |
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10/10 Helen Keller quotes | 6/10 Edward Everett Horton quotes |
10/10 Henry Ford quotes | 6/10 Edward Kennedy quotes |
10/10 Hilary Duff quotes | 6/10 Edwin Markham quotes |
10/10 Hilary Swank quotes | 6/10 Elayne Boosler quotes |
10/10 Hillary Clinton quotes | 6/10 Elbert Hubbard quotes |
10/10 Holly Marie Combs quotes | 6/10 Edward Vernon Rickenbacker quotes |
10/10 Howard Stern quotes | 6/10 Elizabeth Keckley quotes |
10/10 Jack Johnson quotes | 6/10 Elizabeth Harrison quotes |
10/10 Jaime Pressly quotes | 6/10 Ellen Goodman quotes |
10/10 James Brown quotes | 6/10 Erle Stanley Gardner quotes |
10/10 Jamie Lee Curtis quotes | 6/10 Erich Segal quotes |
10/10 Jane Fonda quotes | 6/10 Fannie Hurst quotes |
10/10 Janet Jackson quotes | 6/10 Fiorello La Guardia quotes |
10/10 Janis Joplin quotes | 6/10 Felix Frankfurter quotes |
10/10 Jason Mraz quotes | 6/10 Florence Scovel Shinn quotes |
10/10 Jeff Buckley quotes | 6/10 Franklin P. Jones quotes |
10/10 Jeff Foxworthy quotes | 6/10 Gene Nelson quotes |
10/10 Jenna Jameson quotes | 6/10 Fulton J. Sheen quotes |
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10/10 Jennifer Connelly quotes | 6/10 Frederick W. Taylor quotes |
10/10 Jennifer Garner quotes | 6/10 Fritz Kreisler quotes |
10/10 Jennifer Lopez quotes | 6/10 George Jessel quotes |
10/10 Jennifer Love Hewitt quotes | 6/10 George Gobel quotes |
10/10 Jenny Mccarthy quotes | 6/10 George Sheehan quotes |
10/10 Jesse Owens quotes | 6/10 George Steiner quotes |
10/10 Jessica Biel quotes | 6/10 George F. Will quotes |
10/10 Jessica Simpson quotes | 6/10 Greg Anderson quotes |
10/10 Jessica Alba quotes | 6/10 Gloria Naylor quotes |
10/10 Jim Morrison quotes | 6/10 Georgia Douglas Johnson quotes |
10/10 Jimi Hendrix quotes | 6/10 Hal Roach quotes |
10/10 Jodie Foster quotes | 6/10 Gloria Allred quotes |
10/10 John Mayer quotes | 6/10 Harold Robbins quotes |
10/10 John Wayne quotes | 6/10 Harmon Killebrew quotes |
10/10 Johnny Cash quotes | 6/10 Hank Ballard quotes |
10/10 Johnny Depp quotes | 6/10 Hank Stram quotes |
10/10 Josie Maran quotes | 6/10 Hamilton Wright Mabie quotes |
10/10 Julia Roberts quotes | 6/10 Hedda Hopper quotes |
10/10 Julianne Moore quotes | 6/10 Harry Crews quotes |
10/10 Kanye West quotes | 6/10 Hazel Scott quotes |
10/10 Kate Bosworth quotes | 6/10 Helen Gurley Brown quotes |
10/10 Kate Hudson quotes | 6/10 Henry Ward Beecher quotes |
10/10 Kelly Clarkson quotes | 6/10 Henry J. Kaiser quotes |
10/10 Katie Couric quotes | 6/10 Herman Wouk quotes |
10/10 Katie Holmes quotes | 6/10 Hiram Johnson quotes |
10/10 Kid Rock quotes | 6/10 Herbert Simon quotes |
10/10 Kim Basinger quotes | 6/10 Herman Cain quotes |
10/10 Kirsten Dunst quotes | 6/10 Hubert H. Humphrey quotes |
10/10 Kurt Cobain quotes | 6/10 Howard Thurman quotes |
10/10 Lacey Chabert quotes | 6/10 Ingrid Newkirk quotes |
10/10 Langston Hughes quotes | 6/10 Ira Gershwin quotes |
10/10 Leeann Tweeden quotes | 6/10 Isaac Bashevis Singer quotes |
10/10 Louis Armstrong quotes | 6/10 J.P. Losman quotes |
10/10 Lucille Ball quotes | 6/10 J. D. Salinger quotes |
10/10 Lucy Liu quotes | 6/10 James Arthur Baldwin quotes |
10/10 Ludacris quotes | 6/10 Jan Sterling quotes |
10/10 Madonna quotes | 6/10 Javan quotes |
10/10 Mariah Carey quotes | 6/10 Jeanette MacDonald quotes |
10/10 Marilyn Manson quotes | 6/10 Jessamyn West quotes |
10/10 Marilyn Monroe quotes | 6/10 Jerry Rubin quotes |
10/10 Mark Twain quotes | 6/10 Jim Backus quotes |
10/10 Martha Stewart quotes | 6/10 Jim Bishop quotes |
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10/10 Mia Hamm quotes | 6/10 Joey Adams quotes |
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10/10 Michael Jordan quotes | 6/10 Joan Ganz Cooney quotes |
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10/10 Nat King Cole quotes | 6/10 John Kane quotes |
10/10 Natalie Portman quotes | 6/10 John W. Gardner quotes |
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10/10 Neve Campbell quotes | 6/10 John Unitas quotes |
10/10 Nicole Kidman quotes | 6/10 John Turturro quotes |
10/10 Oprah Winfrey quotes | 6/10 John Russell quotes |
10/10 Paris Hilton quotes | 6/10 John Nance Garner quotes |
10/10 Pink quotes | 6/10 Johnny Miller quotes |
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10/10 Raquel Welch quotes | 6/10 Jonathan Safran Foer quotes |
10/10 Reese Witherspoon quotes | 6/10 Josh Billings quotes |
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10/10 Robert Frost quotes | 6/10 Judith Martin quotes |
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10/10 Rush Limbaugh quotes | 6/10 Kenneth Starr quotes |
10/10 Ryan Reynolds quotes | 6/10 Larken Rose quotes |
10/10 Sandra Bullock quotes | 6/10 Larry Holmes quotes |
10/10 Sarah Jessica Parker quotes | 6/10 Lance Armstrong quotes |
10/10 Sarah Michelle Gellar quotes | 6/10 Leo Durocher quotes |
10/10 Scarlett Johansson quotes | 6/10 Lewis Mumford quotes |
10/10 Serena Williams quotes | 6/10 Lewis Thomas quotes |
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10/10 Sharon Stone quotes | 6/10 Lillian Smith quotes |
10/10 Shannon Elizabeth quotes | 6/10 Lew Wallace quotes |
10/10 Shel Silverstein quotes | 6/10 Lester Bangs quotes |
10/10 Sheryl Crow quotes | 6/10 Liv Tyler quotes |
10/10 Snoop Dogg quotes | 6/10 Lisa Kirk quotes |
10/10 Sojourner Truth quotes | 6/10 Lionel Barrymore quotes |
10/10 Stephen King quotes | 6/10 Louise L. Hay quotes |
10/10 Stevie Wonder quotes | 6/10 Louis Agassiz quotes |
10/10 Tara Reid quotes | 6/10 Lou Brock quotes |
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10/10 Tiger Woods quotes | 6/10 Madalyn Murray O'Hair quotes |
10/10 Tom Cruise quotes | 6/10 Marguerite Yourcenar quotes |
10/10 Tina Turner quotes | 6/10 Marie Dressler quotes |
10/10 Tom Petty quotes | 6/10 Marilyn French quotes |
10/10 Toni Braxton quotes | 6/10 Mary Frances Berry quotes |
10/10 Traci Lords quotes | 6/10 Marvin Minsky quotes |
10/10 Tupac Shakur quotes | 6/10 Martin Gardner quotes |
10/10 Tyra Banks quotes | 6/10 Mark Russell quotes |
10/10 Uma Thurman quotes | 6/10 Mark Helprin quotes |
10/10 Usher quotes | 6/10 Mark van Doren quotes |
10/10 Vanessa Marcil quotes | 6/10 Mark White quotes |
10/10 Viggo Mortensen quotes | 6/10 Marsha Norman quotes |
10/10 Vin Diesel quotes | 6/10 Maxine Kumin quotes |
10/10 Walt Disney quotes | 6/10 Maxwell Maltz quotes |
10/10 Whoopi Goldberg quotes | 6/10 Mary McCarthy quotes |
10/10 Whitney Houston quotes | 6/10 Maureen Reagan quotes |
10/10 Will Smith quotes | 6/10 Mickey Rivers quotes |
10/10 Willie Nelson quotes | 6/10 Michael Dukakis quotes |
10/10 Yasmine Bleeth quotes | 6/10 Max Wright quotes |
9/10 Willy Wonka quotes | 6/10 Miriam Hopkins quotes |
9/10 Wilma Rudolph quotes | 6/10 Moss Hart quotes |
9/10 Winona Ryder quotes | 6/10 Morley Safer quotes |
9/10 Willa Ford quotes | 6/10 Morey Amsterdam quotes |
9/10 William Faulkner quotes | 6/10 Mortimer Adler quotes |
9/10 Waylon Jennings quotes | 6/10 Mike Royko quotes |
9/10 Venus Williams quotes | 6/10 Muriel Rukeyser quotes |
9/10 Val Kilmer quotes | 6/10 Mykelti Williamson quotes |
9/10 Ulysses S. Grant quotes | 6/10 Nelson Algren quotes |
9/10 Tony Randall quotes | 6/10 Ned Rorem quotes |
9/10 Tracy Chapman quotes | 6/10 Norman Cousins quotes |
9/10 Tre Cool quotes | 6/10 Norman Lear quotes |
9/10 Tom Waits quotes | 6/10 Norman Schwarzkopf quotes |
9/10 Tom DeLay quotes | 6/10 Norman Thomas quotes |
9/10 Tim Allen quotes | 6/10 Oscar Hammerstein II quotes |
9/10 Tiffani Amber Thiessen quotes | 6/10 Nick Price quotes |
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9/10 Thomas Alva Edison quotes | 6/10 Paul Theroux quotes |
9/10 The Wizard of Oz quotes | 6/10 Pat Nixon quotes |
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9/10 Zora Neale Hurston quotes | 6/10 Ray Walston quotes |
9/10 Samuel Adams quotes | 6/10 Paul Goodman quotes |
9/10 Sally Field quotes | 6/10 Peace Pilgrim quotes |
9/10 Sam Houston quotes | 6/10 Peggy Guggenheim quotes |
9/10 Roy Lichtenstein quotes | 6/10 Phillips Brooks quotes |
9/10 Rufus Wainwright quotes | 6/10 Phil Simms quotes |
9/10 Robin Williams quotes | 6/10 Peter Ueberroth quotes |
9/10 Roger Ebert quotes | 6/10 Richard Tucker quotes |
9/10 Richard Gere quotes | 6/10 Richard Buckminster Fuller quotes |
9/10 Richard Pryor quotes | 6/10 Ring Lardner quotes |
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9/10 Ray Bradbury quotes | 6/10 Robert A. Heinlein quotes |
9/10 Reba McEntire quotes | 6/10 Robert Altman quotes |
9/10 Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes | 6/10 Robert Collier quotes |
9/10 Piper Perabo quotes | 6/10 Robert Henri quotes |
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9/10 OC quotes | 6/10 Roger Baldwin quotes |
9/10 Nikki Giovanni quotes | 6/10 Rogers Hornsby quotes |
9/10 Natalie Wood quotes | 6/10 Rona Barrett quotes |
9/10 Nathan Hale quotes | 6/10 Ross MacDonald quotes |
9/10 Nathaniel Hawthorne quotes | 6/10 Russ Feingold quotes |
9/10 Miles Davis quotes | 6/10 Sam Snead quotes |
9/10 Michelle Pfeiffer quotes | 6/10 Sam Peckinpah quotes |
9/10 Minnie Driver quotes | 6/10 Sam Keen quotes |
9/10 Mira Sorvino quotes | 6/10 Saul Steinberg quotes |
9/10 Mitch Hedberg quotes | 6/10 Samuel Goldwyn quotes |
9/10 Mena Suvari quotes | 6/10 Sasha Azevedo quotes |
9/10 Melanie Griffith quotes | 6/10 Scott Adams quotes |
9/10 Michael Moore quotes | 6/10 Scott McClellan quotes |
9/10 Michael Phelps quotes | 6/10 Scott Nearing quotes |
9/10 Michael W. Smith quotes | 6/10 Sarah Moore Grimke quotes |
9/10 Mick Jagger quotes | 6/10 Sheila Escovedo quotes |
9/10 Mickey Mantle quotes | 6/10 Sheldon Kopp quotes |
9/10 Mel Brooks quotes | 6/10 Sir Charles Lyell quotes |
9/10 Matt Lauer quotes | 6/10 Sir John Templeton quotes |
9/10 Mary McLeod Bethune quotes | 6/10 Stephen Decatur quotes |
9/10 Mary Todd Lincoln quotes | 6/10 Svetlana Alliluyeva quotes |
9/10 Mary Tyler Moore quotes | 6/10 Susan Faludi quotes |
9/10 Matthew McConaughey quotes | 6/10 Tammy Townsend quotes |
9/10 Martha Washington quotes | 6/10 Thelma Ritter quotes |
9/10 Martin Scorsese quotes | 6/10 Thorstein Veblen quotes |
9/10 Marlene Dietrich quotes | 6/10 Tim Barrett quotes |
9/10 Marian Anderson quotes | 6/10 Tina Weymouth quotes |
9/10 Maria Bello quotes | 6/10 Tom Watson quotes |
9/10 Mae West quotes | 6/10 Tommy Bolt quotes |
9/10 Maggie Gyllenhaal quotes | 6/10 Totie Fields quotes |
9/10 MacGyver quotes | 6/10 Vanna Bonta quotes |
9/10 Mahalia Jackson quotes | 6/10 Vance Havner quotes |
9/10 Malcolm X quotes | 6/10 Valerie Solanas quotes |
9/10 Linda Ronstadt quotes | 6/10 Victor Kiam quotes |
9/10 Lena Horne quotes | 6/10 Virgil Thomson quotes |
9/10 Lara Flynn Boyle quotes | 6/10 Virginia Satir quotes |
9/10 Laura Ingalls Wilder quotes | 6/10 Vladimir Horowitz quotes |
9/10 Kirstie Alley quotes | 6/10 Vladimir Nabokov quotes |
9/10 Kirsty Gallacher quotes | 6/10 W. C. Fields quotes |
9/10 Kristin Davis quotes | 6/10 W. Clement Stone quotes |
9/10 Kurt Angle quotes | 6/10 W. E. B. Du Bois quotes |
9/10 Kenny G quotes | 6/10 Walker Percy quotes |
9/10 Kermit The Frog quotes | 6/10 Walter Lippman quotes |
9/10 Kevin Bacon quotes | 6/10 Walter Reuther quotes |
9/10 Kate Capshaw quotes | 6/10 Walter Smith quotes |
9/10 Kathleen Turner quotes | 6/10 Wendell Phillips quotes |
9/10 Kathy Ireland quotes | 6/10 William Ellery Channing quotes |
9/10 Karen Carpenter quotes | 6/10 William Kennedy quotes |
9/10 Karl Rove quotes | 6/10 William Adams quotes |
9/10 Kaley Cuoco quotes | 6/10 William Allen White quotes |
9/10 Jon Bon Jovi quotes | 6/10 William Arthur Ward quotes |
9/10 Johnny Knoxville quotes | 6/10 Wendy Wasserstein quotes |
9/10 John Paul Jones quotes | 6/10 Will Durant quotes |
9/10 John Quincy Adams quotes | 6/10 Yakov Smirnoff quotes |
9/10 John Steinbeck quotes | 6/10 William Safire quotes |
9/10 John Travolta quotes | 6/10 William Saroyan quotes |
9/10 John Denver quotes | 6/10 William H. Rehnquist quotes |
9/10 John Dewey quotes | 6/10 William Manchester quotes |
9/10 John Glenn quotes | 6/10 Willis Reed quotes |
9/10 John Gotti quotes | 6/10 William Zinsser quotes |
9/10 John Hancock quotes | 6/10 Zoe Trope quotes |
9/10 Joan Severance quotes | 6/10 Zoot Sims quotes |
9/10 John Adams quotes | 6/10 Winston Groom quotes |
9/10 John Coltrane quotes | 6/10 William Styron quotes |
9/10 Jimmy Fallon quotes | 5/10 Willie Garson quotes |
9/10 Jimmy Page quotes | 5/10 William Bernbach quotes |
9/10 Joan Baez quotes | 5/10 William Friedkin quotes |
9/10 Jimmy Buffett quotes | 5/10 Warren E. Burger quotes |
9/10 Jimmy Carter quotes | 5/10 Vance Packard quotes |
9/10 Jennie Garth quotes | 5/10 Ursula K. LeGuin quotes |
9/10 Jenna Elfman quotes | 5/10 Tryon Edwards quotes |
9/10 Jayne Mansfield quotes | 5/10 Thomas S. Monson quotes |
9/10 Jay Leno quotes | 5/10 Thomas Morton quotes |
9/10 Jane Addams quotes | 5/10 Theodore Hesburgh quotes |
9/10 Jamie Foxx quotes | 5/10 Theodore Isaac Rubin quotes |
9/10 James Taylor quotes | 5/10 Thomas Bailey Aldrich quotes |
9/10 James Dean quotes | 5/10 Thomas J. Peters quotes |
9/10 James Hetfield quotes | 5/10 Thomas J. Watson quotes |
9/10 James Madison quotes | 5/10 Tecumseh Shawnee Chief quotes |
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9/10 Jack London quotes | 5/10 Spiro T. Agnew quotes |
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9/10 Jack Kerouac quotes | 5/10 Simon Cameron quotes |
9/10 Howard Dean quotes | 5/10 Shere Hite quotes |
9/10 Hunter S. Thompson quotes | 5/10 Shirley Knight quotes |
9/10 Herbert Hoover quotes | 5/10 Samuel Osgood quotes |
9/10 Henry Rollins quotes | 5/10 Samuel Eliot Morison quotes |
9/10 Harrison Ford quotes | 5/10 Sammy Cahn quotes |
9/10 Harriet Beecher Stowe quotes | 5/10 Scott Reed quotes |
9/10 Hank Aaron quotes | 5/10 Sam Levenson quotes |
9/10 Hank Williams quotes | 5/10 Sam Walter Foss quotes |
9/10 Harper Lee quotes | 5/10 Sam Ervin quotes |
9/10 Gwyneth Paltrow quotes | 5/10 Rosabeth Moss Kanter quotes |
9/10 Grace Kelly quotes | 5/10 Rose Elizabeth Bird quotes |
9/10 George Lucas quotes | 5/10 Ron Blomberg quotes |
9/10 George Clooney quotes | 5/10 Roger Wright quotes |
9/10 Geena Davis quotes | 5/10 Robert Maynard Hutchins quotes |
9/10 Gena Lee Nolin quotes | 5/10 Robert Orben quotes |
9/10 Franklin D. Roosevelt quotes | 5/10 Robert H. Schuller quotes |
9/10 Frank Lloyd Wright quotes | 5/10 Robert Francis Kennedy quotes |
9/10 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas quotes | 5/10 Robert Bloch quotes |
9/10 Emily Procter quotes | 5/10 Robert Byrne quotes |
9/10 Estee Lauder quotes | 5/10 Richard Gephardt quotes |
9/10 Ernest Hemingway quotes | 5/10 Richard J. Daley quotes |
9/10 Ellen Barkin quotes | 5/10 Percy Ross quotes |
9/10 Ellen DeGeneres quotes | 5/10 Pete Incaviglia quotes |
9/10 Elizabeth Cady Stanton quotes | 5/10 Philip Barry quotes |
9/10 Elisabeth Shue quotes | 5/10 Philip Kaufman quotes |
9/10 Ella Fitzgerald quotes | 5/10 Peter S. Beagle quotes |
9/10 Eleanor Roosevelt quotes | 5/10 Peter Arno quotes |
9/10 Elie Wiesel quotes | 5/10 Peter De Vries quotes |
9/10 Eddie Murphy quotes | 5/10 Red Smith quotes |
9/10 Eddie Vedder quotes | 5/10 Rachel Donelson Jackson quotes |
9/10 Dr. Seuss quotes | 5/10 Potter Stewart quotes |
9/10 Doris Day quotes | 5/10 Pat Paulsen quotes |
9/10 Don Henley quotes | 5/10 Paul Tsongas quotes |
9/10 Dizzy Gillespie quotes | 5/10 Paula Gunn Allen quotes |
9/10 Denis Leary quotes | 5/10 Paul Fix quotes |
9/10 Denzel Washington quotes | 5/10 Patsy Kelly quotes |
9/10 Diana Ross quotes | 5/10 Oliver Herford quotes |
9/10 Daryl Hannah quotes | 5/10 Nathan Leopold quotes |
9/10 David Duchovny quotes | 5/10 Nancy Willard quotes |
9/10 David Lee Roth quotes | 5/10 Mignon McLaughlin quotes |
9/10 David Letterman quotes | 5/10 Michael Nolan quotes |
9/10 Davy Crockett quotes | 5/10 Mason Cooley quotes |
9/10 Danny Elfman quotes | 5/10 Mel Lazarus quotes |
9/10 Daniel Boone quotes | 5/10 Max Lerner quotes |
9/10 Dan Rather quotes | 5/10 Marvin Davis quotes |
9/10 Danica McKellar quotes | 5/10 Margo Jefferson quotes |
9/10 Cynthia Nixon quotes | 5/10 Margaret Young quotes |
9/10 Dale Carnegie quotes | 5/10 Mack Sennett quotes |
9/10 Dan Brown quotes | 5/10 Maggie Kuhn quotes |
9/10 Conor Oberst quotes | 5/10 Louise Bogan quotes |
9/10 Cole Porter quotes | 5/10 Louis D. Brandeis quotes |
9/10 Claire Danes quotes | 5/10 Lionel Trilling quotes |
9/10 Chuck Berry quotes | 5/10 Linda Chandler quotes |
9/10 Cheryl Tiegs quotes | 5/10 Lindsay Kennedy quotes |
9/10 Charlie Brown quotes | 5/10 Lindsay Lohan quotes |
9/10 Cesar Chavez quotes | 5/10 Leopold Stokowski quotes |
9/10 Charles Lindbergh quotes | 5/10 Leslie Unger quotes |
9/10 Caprice Bourret quotes | 5/10 Leo F. Buscaglia quotes |
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9/10 Bruce Willis quotes | 5/10 Lee Hays quotes |
9/10 Brian Regan quotes | 5/10 Lawrence Clark Powell quotes |
9/10 Bridget Moynahan quotes | 5/10 Ken Stringfellow quotes |
9/10 Bonnie Raitt quotes | 5/10 Ken MacLeod quotes |
9/10 Booker T. Washington quotes | 5/10 Kin Hubbard quotes |
9/10 Bobby Darin quotes | 5/10 Kent Nerburn quotes |
9/10 Billy Graham quotes | 5/10 Kenyon Cox quotes |
9/10 Billie Holiday quotes | 5/10 Klete Keller quotes |
9/10 Bill Cosby quotes | 5/10 Kate Millett quotes |
9/10 Betsy Ross quotes | 5/10 Karla Mclaren quotes |
9/10 Bette Midler quotes | 5/10 Judy Carter quotes |
9/10 Ben Stiller quotes | 5/10 June Jordan quotes |
9/10 Bernadette Peters quotes | 5/10 Joseph P. Kennedy quotes |
9/10 Barbara Jordan quotes | 5/10 Joseph Brodsky quotes |
9/10 Barbra Streisand quotes | 5/10 John Kendrick Bangs quotes |
9/10 Arthur Miller quotes | 5/10 John Mason Brown quotes |
9/10 Ava Gardner quotes | 5/10 John Erskine quotes |
9/10 Ayn Rand quotes | 5/10 Joaquin Miller quotes |
9/10 Arthur Ashe quotes | 5/10 Joe Frisco quotes |
9/10 Aretha Franklin quotes | 5/10 Jimmy DeMaret quotes |
9/10 Annie Lennox quotes | 5/10 Jim Murray quotes |
9/10 Ansel Adams quotes | 5/10 Jennifer M. Granholm quotes |
9/10 Anne Heche quotes | 5/10 Jean Ingelow quotes |
9/10 Ani Difranco quotes | 5/10 Jean Kerr quotes |
9/10 Andrew Jackson quotes | 5/10 Janet Flanner quotes |
9/10 Andrew Carnegie quotes | 5/10 Jann Wenner quotes |
9/10 Althea Gibson quotes | 5/10 Jaron Lanier quotes |
9/10 Alice Walker quotes | 5/10 James Wilcox quotes |
9/10 Alexander Hamilton quotes | 5/10 James Truslow Adams quotes |
9/10 Alex Haley quotes | 5/10 James B. Conant quotes |
9/10 Al Green quotes | 5/10 James Baskett quotes |
9/10 Abigail Adams quotes | 5/10 James A. Michener quotes |
8/10 Abraham Maslow quotes | 5/10 Jack Carson quotes |
8/10 Abbie Hoffman quotes | 5/10 J. G. Ballard quotes |
8/10 Aaron Copland quotes | 5/10 J. Michael Straczynski quotes |
8/10 Aaron Burr quotes | 5/10 Ivy Baker Priest quotes |
8/10 Al Franken quotes | 5/10 Ilka Chase quotes |
8/10 Al Gore quotes | 5/10 Imamu Amiri Baraka quotes |
8/10 Al Sharpton quotes | 5/10 Hugh Prather quotes |
8/10 Alan Alda quotes | 5/10 Hinton Helper quotes |
8/10 Albert Ellis quotes | 5/10 Henry Louis Mencken quotes |
8/10 Albert Pike quotes | 5/10 Henry Youngman quotes |
8/10 Alan Watts quotes | 5/10 Helen Rowland quotes |
8/10 Alexander Calder quotes | 5/10 Henry Clay Work quotes |
8/10 Aldo Leopold quotes | 5/10 Harry Emerson Fosdick quotes |
8/10 Alec Baldwin quotes | 5/10 Harold S. Geneen quotes |
8/10 Alice Paul quotes | 5/10 Grenville Kleiser quotes |
8/10 Alicia Witt quotes | 5/10 H. P Lovecraft quotes |
8/10 Alger Hiss quotes | 5/10 Gower Champion quotes |
8/10 Ambrose Bierce quotes | 5/10 George S. Kaufman quotes |
8/10 Amel Larrieux quotes | 5/10 George P. Shultz quotes |
8/10 Anais Nin quotes | 5/10 George Deukmejian quotes |
8/10 Andre Agassi quotes | 5/10 George Lindsey quotes |
8/10 Amy Tan quotes | 5/10 Geoff Johns quotes |
8/10 Andrew Johnson quotes | 5/10 George Ade quotes |
8/10 Andy Rooney quotes | 5/10 Frederick Loewe quotes |
8/10 Allen Ginsberg quotes | 5/10 Gail Godwin quotes |
8/10 Anita Baker quotes | 5/10 Frank Leahy quotes |
8/10 Anita Hill quotes | 5/10 Freda Adler quotes |
8/10 Ann Landers quotes | 5/10 Fred Friendly quotes |
8/10 Anna Chlumsky quotes | 5/10 Frances Watkins Harper quotes |
8/10 Anne Lamott quotes | 5/10 Frank Hague quotes |
8/10 Anne Sullivan quotes | 5/10 Fran Lebowitz quotes |
8/10 Annette Funicello quotes | 5/10 Finley Peter Dunne quotes |
8/10 Annie Dillard quotes | 5/10 Faith Baldwin quotes |
8/10 Anthony Robbins quotes | 5/10 Felix Adler quotes |
8/10 Arlo Guthrie quotes | 5/10 Everett Dirksen quotes |
8/10 Arnold Palmer quotes | 5/10 Erika Cosby quotes |
8/10 Art Linkletter quotes | 5/10 Eric Sevareid quotes |
8/10 August Wilson quotes | 5/10 Eric Temple Bell quotes |
8/10 Barbara McClintock quotes | 5/10 Elmer Davis quotes |
8/10 Barbara Feldon quotes | 5/10 Ellen Glasgow quotes |
8/10 Barbara Bush quotes | 5/10 Elsa Maxwell quotes |
8/10 Benjamin Harrison quotes | 5/10 Elton Trueblood quotes |
8/10 Ben Stein quotes | 5/10 Emlyn Williams quotes |
8/10 Ben Browder quotes | 5/10 Elizabeth Janeway quotes |
8/10 Ben Hogan quotes | 5/10 Elihu Root quotes |
8/10 Barry Goldwater quotes | 5/10 Edward Koch quotes |
8/10 Bette Davis quotes | 5/10 Edward H. Harriman quotes |
8/10 Betty Ford quotes | 5/10 Edgar A. Guest quotes |
8/10 Betty Grable quotes | 5/10 Edgard Varese quotes |
8/10 Bill Bixby quotes | 5/10 Drew Lewis quotes |
8/10 Big Boi quotes | 5/10 Dr. Linus Pauling quotes |
8/10 Bill Hicks quotes | 5/10 Dr. Robert H. Goddard quotes |
8/10 Betsy Johnson quotes | 5/10 Dr. Gregory House quotes |
8/10 Bill Evans quotes | 5/10 Dorothy Fields quotes |
8/10 Billie Jean King quotes | 5/10 Dorothy Thompson quotes |
8/10 Bill Maher quotes | 5/10 Derek Bok quotes |
8/10 Bill Watterson quotes | 5/10 David Gottesman quotes |
8/10 Billy Sunday quotes | 5/10 DAVID GRAYSON quotes |
8/10 Bobby Fischer quotes | 5/10 David Grimes quotes |
8/10 Bobby Jones quotes | 5/10 David McCord quotes |
8/10 Bobby Knight quotes | 5/10 David N. Dinkins quotes |
8/10 Bob Hope quotes | 5/10 David Seamands quotes |
8/10 Bo Diddley quotes | 5/10 Daniel J. Boorstin quotes |
8/10 Bobbie Gentry quotes | 5/10 Cyrus Curtis quotes |
8/10 Brigham Young quotes | 5/10 D. B. Sweeney quotes |
8/10 Bob Dole quotes | 5/10 Dan Dierdorf quotes |
8/10 Bridget Hall quotes | 5/10 Clarence Day quotes |
8/10 Bruce Lansky quotes | 5/10 Constance Bennett quotes |
8/10 Burt Bacharach quotes | 5/10 Colonel Harlan Sanders quotes |
8/10 Burt Lancaster quotes | 5/10 Christopher Lasch quotes |
8/10 Buster Keaton quotes | 5/10 Charley Jones quotes |
8/10 Cab Calloway quotes | 5/10 Chuck Tanner quotes |
8/10 Candice Bergen quotes | 5/10 Charles F. Kettering quotes |
8/10 Carl Hiaasen quotes | 5/10 Charles Hodge quotes |
8/10 Carl Sandburg quotes | 5/10 Charles R. Swindoll quotes |
8/10 Charles Barkley quotes | 5/10 Charles Sanders Peirce quotes |
8/10 Charles Bronson quotes | 5/10 Charles W. Eliot quotes |
8/10 Charles Bukowski quotes | 5/10 Chet Huntley quotes |
8/10 Cary Grant quotes | 5/10 Carol Everett quotes |
8/10 Cathy Lee Crosby quotes | 5/10 Carolyn Wells quotes |
8/10 Caroline Myss quotes | 5/10 Carter Glass quotes |
8/10 Carry Nation quotes | 5/10 Catherine Zandonella quotes |
8/10 Carson McCullers quotes | 5/10 Charles Dudley Warner quotes |
8/10 Carter G. Woodson quotes | 5/10 Bud Wilkinson quotes |
8/10 Carol Burnett quotes | 5/10 Bruce Barton quotes |
8/10 Carlos Castaneda quotes | 5/10 Brooks Atkinson quotes |
8/10 Carol Gilligan quotes | 5/10 Bobby Riggs quotes |
8/10 Charles Mingus quotes | 5/10 Bill Vaughn quotes |
8/10 Charles Sumner quotes | 5/10 Bill Veeck quotes |
8/10 Charlie Parker quotes | 5/10 Bill Dickey quotes |
8/10 Charlotte Perkins Gilman quotes | 5/10 Bil Keane quotes |
8/10 Charlton Heston quotes | 5/10 Bill Beattie quotes |
8/10 Chesty Puller quotes | 5/10 Bergen Evans quotes |
8/10 Chet Atkins quotes | 5/10 Benji Gregory quotes |
8/10 Chuck Palahniuk quotes | 5/10 Benjamin Lee Whorf quotes |
8/10 Christopher Reeve quotes | 5/10 Ben Sweetland quotes |
8/10 Christopher Titus quotes | 5/10 Barbara Cubin quotes |
8/10 Christy Turlington quotes | 5/10 Barbara De Angelis quotes |
8/10 Christian Slater quotes | 5/10 Avery Brundage quotes |
8/10 Chris Evert quotes | 5/10 Avram Noam Chomsky quotes |
8/10 Cole Hauser quotes | 5/10 Arthur Rubinstein quotes |
8/10 Clint Walker quotes | 5/10 Anthony J. Principi quotes |
8/10 Clarence Darrow quotes | 5/10 Arthur Brisbane quotes |
8/10 Clark Gable quotes | 5/10 Amanda Cross quotes |
8/10 Claudette Colbert quotes | 5/10 Alexandra Stoddard quotes |
8/10 Courteney Cox quotes | 5/10 Alfred Korzybski quotes |
8/10 Colin Powell quotes | 5/10 Abe Lemons quotes |
8/10 Countee Cullen quotes | 5/10 Al Bernstein quotes |
8/10 Curtis Mayfield quotes | 5/10 Alben William Barkley quotes |
8/10 Daniel Baldwin quotes | 3/10 Alan Saporta quotes |
8/10 Danny Kaye quotes | 3/10 Adela Rogers St. Johns quotes |
8/10 Danny DeVito quotes | 3/10 Adolph S. Ochs quotes |
8/10 David Smith quotes | 3/10 Anne Roiphe quotes |
8/10 David Spade quotes | 3/10 Austin Phelps quotes |
8/10 David Schwimmer quotes | 3/10 Ben Hecht quotes |
8/10 David Jeremiah quotes | 3/10 Bernard M. Baruch quotes |
8/10 David Duke quotes | 3/10 Barry Sonenfeld quotes |
8/10 David Copperfield quotes | 3/10 Bernice Johnson Reagon quotes |
8/10 David Byrne quotes | 3/10 Bob Wells quotes |
8/10 David Eddings quotes | 3/10 Bill Meyer quotes |
8/10 David Gates quotes | 3/10 Bruce Aidells quotes |
8/10 Daniel Webster quotes | 3/10 Brenda Ueland quotes |
8/10 Dave Barry quotes | 3/10 Charles J. Givens quotes |
8/10 Dave Brubeck quotes | 3/10 Charles Luckman quotes |
8/10 Dennis Rodman quotes | 3/10 Claudia Lady Bird Johnson quotes |
8/10 Diane Sawyer quotes | 3/10 Dana Gioia quotes |
8/10 Dean Koontz quotes | 3/10 Daniel H. Burnham quotes |
8/10 Dennis Miller quotes | 3/10 David Starr Jordan quotes |
8/10 Dennis Prager quotes | 3/10 David Merrick quotes |
8/10 Dennis Quaid quotes | 3/10 David Jaye quotes |
8/10 Delta Burke quotes | 3/10 Doris Lilly quotes |
8/10 Don Johnson quotes | 3/10 Dr. Laurence J. Peter quotes |
8/10 Dinah Shore quotes | 3/10 Edward Everett quotes |
8/10 Diane Arbus quotes | 3/10 Edwin A. Robinson quotes |
8/10 Donna Reed quotes | 3/10 Franklin Pierce Adams quotes |
8/10 Donny Osmond quotes | 3/10 Garry Shandling quotes |
8/10 Dorothea Dix quotes | 3/10 Garson Kanin quotes |
8/10 Dorothea Lange quotes | 3/10 Fritz Reiner quotes |
8/10 Dorothy Day quotes | 3/10 Gene Oliver quotes |
8/10 Dorothy Lamour quotes | 3/10 Gene Fowler quotes |
8/10 Dorothy Parker quotes | 3/10 George Jean Nathan quotes |
8/10 Donald Rumsfeld quotes | 3/10 George E. Woodberry quotes |
8/10 Douglas MacArthur quotes | 3/10 George Shinn quotes |
8/10 Drew Carey quotes | 3/10 George William Curtis quotes |
8/10 Dyan Cannon quotes | 3/10 George V. Higgins quotes |
8/10 Dustin Hoffman quotes | 3/10 Gerald Jampolsky quotes |
8/10 Dwight David Eisenhower quotes | 3/10 H. Allen Smith quotes |
8/10 E. E. Cummings quotes | 3/10 Harold L. Ickes quotes |
8/10 Earl Scruggs quotes | 3/10 Harold Ross quotes |
8/10 Ed Wood quotes | 3/10 Henry Brooks Adams quotes |
8/10 Edgar Cayce quotes | 3/10 Herb Caen quotes |
8/10 Edith Head quotes | 3/10 Hyman George Rickover quotes |
8/10 Edith Wharton quotes | 3/10 Irv Kupcinet quotes |
8/10 Edna St. Vincent Millay quotes | 3/10 J. P. Donleavy quotes |
8/10 Edward Gorey quotes | 3/10 J. William Fulbright quotes |
8/10 Edward Hopper quotes | 3/10 Jane Rule quotes |
8/10 Edward Teller quotes | 3/10 Jean Paul Getty quotes |
8/10 Elizabeth Bishop quotes | 3/10 Jason Robards Jr. quotes |
8/10 Elizabeth Arden quotes | 3/10 Jeremy Bernstein quotes |
8/10 Emily Post quotes | 3/10 Joseph R. McCarthy quotes |
8/10 Erma Bombeck quotes | 3/10 Joseph Wood Krutch quotes |
8/10 Emma Goldman quotes | 3/10 Judith Crist quotes |
8/10 Enrico Fermi quotes | 3/10 Lincoln Kirstein quotes |
8/10 Ethel Merman quotes | 3/10 Logan Pearsall Smith quotes |
8/10 Ethel Waters quotes | 3/10 Lynn Fontanne quotes |
8/10 Eudora Welty quotes | 3/10 Marya Mannes quotes |
8/10 Eugene Debs quotes | 3/10 Maxwell Anderson quotes |
8/10 Eugenie Clark quotes | 3/10 Mary Ellen Chase quotes |
8/10 Eva Gabor quotes | 3/10 Natalie Clifford Barney quotes |
8/10 Fats Waller quotes | 3/10 Owen D. Young quotes |
8/10 Ezra Pound quotes | 3/10 Preston Bradley quotes |
8/10 Fannie Lou Hamer quotes | 3/10 Poison Ivy Rorschach quotes |
8/10 Fanny Brice quotes | 3/10 Rachel Naomi Remen quotes |
8/10 Flip Wilson quotes | 3/10 Richard Harding Davis quotes |
8/10 Frances Farmer quotes | 3/10 Robert Green Ingersoll quotes |
8/10 Frances Perkins quotes | 3/10 Robert M. Hutchins quotes |
8/10 Franklin Pierce quotes | 3/10 Roger Babson quotes |
8/10 Fred Rogers quotes | 3/10 Simon Newcomb quotes |
8/10 Fred Astaire quotes | 3/10 Solomon Schechter quotes |
8/10 Gary Cooper quotes | 3/10 Tom Shales quotes |
8/10 Gary Sinise quotes | 3/10 Wendell L. Willkie quotes |
8/10 Gene Hackman quotes | 3/10 Walter F. Mondale quotes |
8/10 Gene Kelly quotes | 3/10 William Wetmore Story quotes |
8/10 Gene Wilder quotes | 2/10 William Lyon Phelps quotes |
8/10 Garrison Keillor quotes | 2/10 Stephen Nachmanovitch quotes |
8/10 George Foreman quotes | 2/10 Sydney Biddle Barrows quotes |
8/10 George Reeves quotes | 2/10 Richard Hugo quotes |
8/10 George Wallace quotes | 2/10 Malcolm Cowley quotes |
8/10 George Soros quotes | 2/10 Ken Olson quotes |
8/10 Grace Murray Hopper quotes | 2/10 Joseph Wechsberg quotes |
8/10 Gore Vidal quotes | 2/10 Jim Pinto quotes |
8/10 Good Will Hunting quotes | 2/10 James Harvey Robinson quotes |
8/10 Grace Slick quotes | 2/10 Hortense Calisher quotes |
8/10 Grant Wood quotes | 2/10 Heywood C. Broun quotes |
8/10 Gregory Hines quotes | 2/10 Harrison E. Salisbury quotes |
8/10 Ginger Rogers quotes | 2/10 Grace Speare quotes |
8/10 Glenn Close quotes | 2/10 Forest E. Witcraft quotes |
8/10 Gloria Steinem quotes | 2/10 Eugene Wigner quotes |
8/10 Gloria Vanderbilt quotes | 2/10 Eddy Cantor quotes |
8/10 Gerald R. Ford quotes | 2/10 Dorothea Brande quotes |
8/10 Gertrude Stein quotes | 2/10 David Glickman quotes |
8/10 Gilda Radner quotes | 2/10 Dave Winer quotes |
8/10 Haley Joel Osment quotes | 2/10 Catherine Drinker Bowen quotes |
8/10 Groucho Marx quotes | 2/10 Bern Williams quotes |
8/10 Grover Cleveland quotes | 2/10 Art Hoppe quotes |
8/10 Harold Bloom quotes | 1/10 Barbara W. Tuchman quotes |
8/10 Harry Belafonte quotes | 1/10 Betty Bender quotes |
8/10 Harry Chapin quotes | 1/10 Clifton Fadiman quotes |
8/10 Harry S Truman quotes | 1/10 E. Y. Harburg quotes |
8/10 Henry Clay quotes | 1/10 Elizabeth Drew quotes |
8/10 Helen Thomas quotes | 1/10 Henry R. Luce quotes |
8/10 Helena Rubinstein quotes | 1/10 Marcia Wieder quotes |
8/10 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quotes | 1/10 Lori Gordon quotes |
8/10 Henry Winkler quotes | 1/10 Mary Decker Slaney quotes |
8/10 Henry James quotes | 1/10 Vicki Baum quotes |
8/10 Henry Kissinger quotes | 0/10 Vincent Canby quotes |
8/10 Henry Miller quotes | 0/10 Vine Deloria, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Horace Mann quotes | 0/10 W. R. Fuchs quotes |
8/10 Herman Melville quotes | 0/10 Van Wyck Brooks quotes |
8/10 Huey Long quotes | 0/10 Vash Young quotes |
8/10 Hugh Hefner quotes | 0/10 Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale quotes |
8/10 Howard Zinn quotes | 0/10 Walter H(ines) Page quotes |
8/10 Ingrid Bergman quotes | 0/10 Walter Lippmann quotes |
8/10 Irving Berlin quotes | 0/10 Walterlee George Gates quotes |
8/10 Isaac Asimov quotes | 0/10 Wallace Henry Thurman quotes |
8/10 Isadora Duncan quotes | 0/10 Wallace Irwin quotes |
8/10 Jack Benny quotes | 0/10 Walter Elliot quotes |
8/10 Humphrey Bogart quotes | 0/10 Wendy O. Williams quotes |
8/10 J. Edgar Hoover quotes | 0/10 Wilferd A. Peterson quotes |
8/10 Jackie Moore quotes | 0/10 Wilfred Sheed quotes |
8/10 Jack Nicholson quotes | 0/10 Wayne Hale quotes |
8/10 Jack Nicklaus quotes | 0/10 Weezer quotes |
8/10 Jackie Gleason quotes | 0/10 WIlliam Jenkins Worth quotes |
8/10 Jackie Joyner-Kersee quotes | 0/10 William H. Mauldin quotes |
8/10 James A. Garfield quotes | 0/10 William C. Doane quotes |
8/10 Jacob Riis quotes | 0/10 William F. Buckley, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis quotes | 0/10 Whitney M. Young, Jr. quotes |
8/10 James Fenimore Cooper quotes | 0/10 Will Schultz quotes |
8/10 James Buchanan quotes | 0/10 Will Shriner quotes |
8/10 James Thurber quotes | 0/10 Willa Sibert Cather quotes |
8/10 James Weldon Johnson quotes | 0/10 William Barrett Travis quotes |
8/10 Jack Handy quotes | 0/10 William Dalton quotes |
8/10 James Stewart quotes | 0/10 William DeWitt Snodgrass quotes |
8/10 Jason Kidd quotes | 0/10 William E Bill Vaughan quotes |
8/10 Jane Pauley quotes | 0/10 William E. Vaughan quotes |
8/10 Jane Wiedlin quotes | 0/10 William Sloane Coffin, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Janeane Garofalo quotes | 0/10 William P. King quotes |
8/10 Jean Harlow quotes | 0/10 William Proxmire quotes |
8/10 Jelly Roll Morton quotes | 0/10 William R. Alger quotes |
8/10 Jennifer Jones quotes | 0/10 Winston Bennett quotes |
8/10 Jeremy Piven quotes | 0/10 Zephyr Bloch-Jorgensen quotes |
8/10 Jennifer Capriati quotes | 0/10 Yvon Chouinard quotes |
8/10 Jenny Frost quotes | 0/10 Tammy Lynn Micheals quotes |
8/10 Jesse Ventura quotes | 0/10 Tad Williams quotes |
8/10 Jesse Jackson quotes | 0/10 Sy Miller and Jill Jackson quotes |
8/10 Jerry Falwell quotes | 0/10 Sy Parrish quotes |
8/10 Jerry Hall quotes | 0/10 Susanna Kaysen quotes |
8/10 Jerry Lewis quotes | 0/10 Teresa A. Miller quotes |
8/10 Jerry Seinfeld quotes | 0/10 Teresa Stover quotes |
8/10 Jim Davis quotes | 0/10 Terry Galloway quotes |
8/10 Jim Gaffigan quotes | 0/10 Tessie Naranjo quotes |
8/10 Jim Henson quotes | 0/10 The Fray quotes |
8/10 Jimmy Swaggart quotes | 0/10 The Wedding Date quotes |
8/10 Joan Armatrading quotes | 0/10 Stan Rice quotes |
8/10 Joan Blondell quotes | 0/10 Stanley Kauffmann quotes |
8/10 Joan Crawford quotes | 0/10 Spencer W. Kimball quotes |
8/10 Jimmy Johnson quotes | 0/10 Steven Deitz quotes |
8/10 John Cusack quotes | 0/10 Steven Saylor quotes |
8/10 John D. Rockefeller quotes | 0/10 Steve Cash quotes |
8/10 John Cage quotes | 0/10 Steve Fromholz quotes |
8/10 John Cale quotes | 0/10 Steve Roland Prefontaine quotes |
8/10 Joey Lauren Adams quotes | 0/10 Tim Lahaye quotes |
8/10 John Belushi quotes | 0/10 Unitha L. Muhammad quotes |
8/10 Jimmy Durante quotes | 0/10 Thomas Mann (political analyst) quotes |
8/10 Joe DiMaggio quotes | 0/10 Thomas Brackett Reed quotes |
8/10 Joan Rivers quotes | 0/10 Thomas Andrew Bailey quotes |
8/10 Joe Frazier quotes | 0/10 Theodor Reik quotes |
8/10 Joe Montana quotes | 0/10 Thomas R. Marshall quotes |
8/10 Joe Paterno quotes | 0/10 Thomas Steinbeck quotes |
8/10 John Goodman quotes | 0/10 Thomas W. Higginson quotes |
8/10 John Greenleaf Whittier quotes | 0/10 Thornton T. Munger quotes |
8/10 John Doe quotes | 0/10 Tiana Tozer quotes |
8/10 John Fitzgerald Kennedy quotes | 0/10 Wolcott Gibbs quotes |
8/10 John Maxwell quotes | 0/10 Woodrow T. Wilson quotes |
8/10 John Madden quotes | 0/10 Mary Hayes quotes |
8/10 John Malkovich quotes | 0/10 Mary Ashton Livermore quotes |
8/10 John Marshall quotes | 0/10 Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes |
8/10 John Irving quotes | 0/10 Martha Carey Thomas quotes |
8/10 John Jay quotes | 0/10 Mark Woods quotes |
8/10 John Tyler quotes | 0/10 Margery Williams quotes |
8/10 John Updike quotes | 0/10 Margaret Culkin Banning quotes |
8/10 John Taylor quotes | 0/10 Marilyn Pittman quotes |
8/10 John McCain quotes | 0/10 Marie Bonner-Sokol quotes |
8/10 John McEnroe quotes | 0/10 Marissa Mayer quotes |
8/10 Johnny Mercer quotes | 0/10 Marjory Stoneman Douglas quotes |
8/10 Johnny Carson quotes | 0/10 Mark Clifton quotes |
8/10 Johnny Winter quotes | 0/10 Mary Lou Cook quotes |
8/10 John Waters quotes | 0/10 Mary-Louise Parker quotes |
8/10 John Wooden quotes | 0/10 Matt Benson quotes |
8/10 Jonas Salk quotes | 0/10 Max Eastman quotes |
8/10 Jonathan Brandis quotes | 0/10 Maxwell L. Anderson quotes |
8/10 Jonathan Edwards quotes | 0/10 Matt Nathanson quotes |
8/10 Jon Stewart quotes | 0/10 May Swenson quotes |
8/10 Joseph Campbell quotes | 0/10 Maynard James Keenan quotes |
8/10 Joss Whedon quotes | 0/10 Mayor Diamond Joe Quimby quotes |
8/10 Joseph Gordon-Levitt quotes | 0/10 Michael O'Donoghue quotes |
8/10 Joseph Smith quotes | 0/10 Michael Patrick King quotes |
8/10 Joyce Carol Oates quotes | 0/10 Michael McDonald quotes |
8/10 Judith Guest quotes | 0/10 Michael Silverblatt quotes |
8/10 Kahlil Gibran quotes | 0/10 Midge Decter quotes |
8/10 Karen Allen quotes | 0/10 Michelle L. Buckley quotes |
8/10 Karen Horney quotes | 0/10 Meredith Grey quotes |
8/10 Kathy Mattea quotes | 0/10 Michael Eric Dyson quotes |
8/10 Katharine Hepburn quotes | 0/10 Micah Stupka quotes |
8/10 Kevin Costner quotes | 0/10 Michael Josephson quotes |
8/10 Ken Kesey quotes | 0/10 P. Diddy, Puff Daddy quotes |
8/10 Kinky Friedman quotes | 0/10 P. J. O'Rourke quotes |
8/10 Kirk Douglas quotes | 0/10 Orlando McGuire quotes |
8/10 Kevin Kline quotes | 0/10 Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Lauren Hutton quotes | 0/10 Omar Bradley quotes |
8/10 Lars Ulrich quotes | 0/10 Pauline Frederick quotes |
8/10 Laura Bush quotes | 0/10 Paul Venghaus quotes |
8/10 Laura Dern quotes | 0/10 Pam Morrison quotes |
8/10 Lawrence Welk quotes | 0/10 Pamela Hansford Johnson quotes |
8/10 Lee Marvin quotes | 0/10 Pamela Warrick quotes |
8/10 Lee Van Cleef quotes | 0/10 Paul Danos quotes |
8/10 Lana Turner quotes | 0/10 Patricia McCormick quotes |
8/10 LaDainian Tomlinson quotes | 0/10 Pastor Mark Correll quotes |
8/10 Larry Elder quotes | 0/10 Mike Lalonde quotes |
8/10 Larry Flynt quotes | 0/10 Mike Melvill quotes |
8/10 Leonard Bernstein quotes | 0/10 Mike Melville quotes |
8/10 Les Brown quotes | 0/10 Mikey Way quotes |
8/10 Lethal Weapon quotes | 0/10 Milton H. Erickson quotes |
8/10 Lillian Gish quotes | 0/10 Morris K. Udall quotes |
8/10 Lily Tomlin quotes | 0/10 Moshe Waldoks quotes |
8/10 Louise Brooks quotes | 0/10 Monica Silber quotes |
8/10 Loretta Swit quotes | 0/10 Miranda Lambert quotes |
8/10 Loretta Young quotes | 0/10 Naomi Campbell quotes |
8/10 Lorraine Hansberry quotes | 0/10 Myriam Miedzian quotes |
8/10 Man Ray quotes | 0/10 Nasir Jones "Nas" quotes |
8/10 Louise Nevelson quotes | 0/10 Naomi Shihab Nye quotes |
8/10 Macaulay Culkin quotes | 0/10 Murray Lincoln quotes |
8/10 Lucretia Mott quotes | 0/10 Musiq Soulchild quotes |
8/10 Louisa May Alcott quotes | 0/10 My Best Friend's Wedding quotes |
8/10 Lyle Alzado quotes | 0/10 Nancy Reagan quotes |
8/10 Lyndon B. Johnson quotes | 0/10 Nathaniel Bronner Jr. quotes |
8/10 Ma Rainey quotes | 0/10 Nate Washington quotes |
8/10 Maria Callas quotes | 0/10 Natalie Babbitt quotes |
8/10 Maria Mitchell quotes | 0/10 Neil Holloway quotes |
8/10 Maria Shriver quotes | 0/10 Nick LaPorta quotes |
8/10 Margaret Cho quotes | 0/10 Reed Markham, PhD quotes |
8/10 Margaret Mead quotes | 0/10 Richard C. Cabot quotes |
8/10 Margaret Sanger quotes | 0/10 Renee Ashley quotes |
8/10 Marie Osmond quotes | 0/10 Richard M. DeVos quotes |
8/10 Marianne Williamson quotes | 0/10 Richard Kuehn quotes |
8/10 Marlo Thomas quotes | 0/10 Richard Lederer quotes |
8/10 Marlon Brando quotes | 0/10 Rob Bourdon quotes |
8/10 Mark Spitz quotes | 0/10 Rob McBride quotes |
8/10 Marla Maples quotes | 0/10 Rob Zombie quotes |
8/10 Marshall Field quotes | 0/10 Robert S. Mendelsohn quotes |
8/10 Mark Hamill quotes | 0/10 Robert Koehler quotes |
8/10 Mark McGwire quotes | 0/10 Robert Inchausti quotes |
8/10 Martin Van Buren quotes | 0/10 Robert Kennedy, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Martina Navratilova quotes | 0/10 Robert Dato quotes |
8/10 Marva Collins quotes | 0/10 Rachel Joy Scott quotes |
8/10 Martha Graham quotes | 0/10 Quentin Reynolds quotes |
8/10 Maureen Dowd quotes | 0/10 Rebecca Gayheart quotes |
8/10 Matt Dillon quotes | 0/10 Ralph Wanger quotes |
8/10 Matt Groening quotes | 0/10 Ray Toro quotes |
8/10 Mary Pickford quotes | 0/10 Peggy Upchurch quotes |
8/10 Mary Kay Ash quotes | 0/10 Philip Slater quotes |
8/10 Matt LeBlanc quotes | 0/10 Philip Streifer quotes |
8/10 Michael J. Fox quotes | 0/10 Philip K. Dick quotes |
8/10 Michael Landon quotes | 0/10 Phyllis Batelle quotes |
8/10 Michael Crichton quotes | 0/10 Pierre S. DuPont IV quotes |
8/10 Michael Douglas quotes | 0/10 Peter Wallsten quotes |
8/10 Michael Johnson quotes | 0/10 Peter Wentz quotes |
8/10 Meryl Streep quotes | 0/10 Smashmouth quotes |
8/10 Minnie Riperton quotes | 0/10 Signourney Weaver quotes |
8/10 Morgan Freeman quotes | 0/10 Sholem Asch quotes |
8/10 Mother Jones quotes | 0/10 Shoshana Bean quotes |
8/10 Michelle Shocked quotes | 0/10 Sidney A. Friedman quotes |
8/10 Mike Ditka quotes | 0/10 Sheldon Glueck quotes |
8/10 Millard Fillmore quotes | 0/10 Shaquille O'Neal quotes |
8/10 Milton Friedman quotes | 0/10 Shawn Nelson quotes |
8/10 Newt Gingrich quotes | 0/10 Sean Reichle quotes |
8/10 Nicholas Sparks quotes | 0/10 Scarlett O'Hara quotes |
8/10 Neil Gaiman quotes | 0/10 Seth Eisenberg quotes |
8/10 Neil Simon quotes | 0/10 Sammy Davis, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Myrna Loy quotes | 0/10 Samuel P. Huntington quotes |
8/10 Naomi Judd quotes | 0/10 Sandra Bartky quotes |
8/10 Napoleon Hill quotes | 0/10 Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn quotes |
8/10 Noah Webster quotes | 0/10 Sarah Pezdek-Smith quotes |
8/10 Nicolas Cage quotes | 0/10 Sandra Dodd quotes |
8/10 Nicole Appleton quotes | 0/10 Sarah Dessen quotes |
8/10 Ogden Nash quotes | 0/10 Sarah J. Hale quotes |
8/10 Niki Taylor quotes | 0/10 Roger Miller (Salomon Brothers Inc) quotes |
8/10 Norman Vincent Peale quotes | 0/10 Robin Tyler quotes |
8/10 Notting Hill quotes | 0/10 Ron Luce quotes |
8/10 O. Henry quotes | 0/10 Ronald Graham quotes |
8/10 Oliver Stone quotes | 0/10 Ronald Rood quotes |
8/10 Oliver Wendell Holmes quotes | 0/10 Rose F. Kennedy quotes |
8/10 Orson Scott Card quotes | 0/10 Roy Blount, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Orson Welles quotes | 0/10 S.N. Behrman quotes |
8/10 Orville Wright quotes | 0/10 Ruth Hubbard quotes |
8/10 Paul Strand quotes | 0/10 Ryan O'neal quotes |
8/10 Paul Westerberg quotes | 0/10 Samantha Jones quotes |
8/10 Paul Laurence Dunbar quotes | 0/10 Russ Mason quotes |
8/10 Paul Newman quotes | 0/10 Russel H. Conwell quotes |
8/10 Paul Robeson quotes | 0/10 Ruth Boorstin quotes |
8/10 Patrick Stewart quotes | 0/10 Ruth Draper quotes |
8/10 Pat Buchanan quotes | 0/10 Rozz Williams quotes |
8/10 P.T. Barnum quotes | 0/10 Ronnie VanZant quotes |
8/10 Patti Smith quotes | 0/10 Roy Rogers (slide guitarist) quotes |
8/10 Ralph Nader quotes | 0/10 Louis Kronenberger quotes |
8/10 Rae Dawn Chong quotes | 0/10 Louis L'Amour quotes |
8/10 Ralph Fiennes quotes | 0/10 Louis Binstock quotes |
8/10 Quentin Tarantino quotes | 0/10 Linkin' Park quotes |
8/10 Rachael Leigh Cook quotes | 0/10 Linda Eastman Mccartney quotes |
8/10 Ray Kroc quotes | 0/10 Lisa Kudrow quotes |
8/10 Ray Romano quotes | 0/10 Lisa Marie Presley quotes |
8/10 Red Skelton quotes | 0/10 Lisa Shue quotes |
8/10 Pavement quotes | 0/10 Little Richard Penniman quotes |
8/10 Pearl Bailey quotes | 0/10 Liza Minnelli quotes |
8/10 Pearl S. Buck quotes | 0/10 LL Cool J quotes |
8/10 Peggy Noonan quotes | 0/10 Lloyd Banks quotes |
8/10 Pete Rose quotes | 0/10 Maltbie D. Babcock quotes |
8/10 Pete Wentz quotes | 0/10 Maltbie Davenport Babcock quotes |
8/10 Peter Fonda quotes | 0/10 Maharaji quotes |
8/10 Phil Hartman quotes | 0/10 M.K. Asante, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Phil Jackson quotes | 0/10 Lydia Maria Francis Child quotes |
8/10 Phil Mickelson quotes | 0/10 Limp Bizkit quotes |
8/10 Phil Spector quotes | 0/10 Lewis B. Hershey quotes |
8/10 Phyllis Diller quotes | 0/10 Liev Schreiber quotes |
8/10 Rita Mae Brown quotes | 0/10 Leonardo DiCaprio quotes |
8/10 Richard Jeni quotes | 0/10 Leonor Kretzer Sullivan quotes |
8/10 Richard M. Nixon quotes | 0/10 Les Brown (musician) quotes |
8/10 Richard Petty quotes | 0/10 Les Claypool quotes |
8/10 Richard Feynman quotes | 0/10 Leslie Ludy quotes |
8/10 Redd Foxx quotes | 0/10 Leighann Lord quotes |
8/10 Raymond Chandler quotes | 0/10 Lawrence Summers quotes |
8/10 Richard Bach quotes | 0/10 Laurell K Hamilton quotes |
8/10 Reggie Jackson quotes | 0/10 Lauren Bacall quotes |
8/10 Robert Duvall quotes | 0/10 Laura Baugh quotes |
8/10 Robert de Niro quotes | 0/10 Leah Garchik quotes |
8/10 Rickie Lee Jones quotes | 0/10 Lance Morrow quotes |
8/10 Robert Kiyosaki quotes | 0/10 Larina Kase quotes |
8/10 Robert Mapplethorpe quotes | 0/10 Lama Anagarika Govinda quotes |
8/10 Robert Redford quotes | 0/10 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Roger Maris quotes | 0/10 Larry Kersten quotes |
8/10 Roger Miller quotes | 0/10 Larry L. King quotes |
8/10 Rodney Dangerfield quotes | 0/10 Larry Page quotes |
8/10 Rock Hudson quotes | 0/10 Larry Bird quotes |
8/10 Robert Urich quotes | 0/10 Larry Christenson quotes |
8/10 Roseanne quotes | 0/10 Larry Gelbart quotes |
8/10 Roseanne Barr quotes | 0/10 Josephine Hull quotes |
8/10 Ron Perlman quotes | 0/10 Joseph Mascis quotes |
8/10 Roger Williams quotes | 0/10 Joshua Kadison quotes |
8/10 Roy Rogers quotes | 0/10 Joy Held quotes |
8/10 Sal Mineo quotes | 0/10 Joy Page quotes |
8/10 Sam Walton quotes | 0/10 Jorja Fox quotes |
8/10 Rutherford B. Hayes quotes | 0/10 Joseph A. Schumpeter quotes |
8/10 Samuel Gompers quotes | 0/10 Jon Walters quotes |
8/10 Samuel Jackson quotes | 0/10 Jonathan Gilbert quotes |
8/10 Shana Alexander quotes | 0/10 Jon Carroll quotes |
8/10 Sean Astin quotes | 0/10 Jon Krakauer quotes |
8/10 Sleepless in Seattle quotes | 0/10 Jon Peter Lewis quotes |
8/10 Sinclair Lewis quotes | 0/10 Jon Bentley quotes |
8/10 Shirley MacLaine quotes | 0/10 John Wesley (TIAA-CREF product manager) quotes |
8/10 Sherry Stringfield quotes | 0/10 John Ziff quotes |
8/10 Sidney Poitier quotes | 0/10 John Rzeznik quotes |
8/10 Shirley Chisholm quotes | 0/10 Ken S. Keyes jr. quotes |
8/10 Shirley Jackson quotes | 0/10 Kenneth L. Pike quotes |
8/10 Shelley Long quotes | 0/10 Kelli Jae Baeli quotes |
8/10 Shannon Miller quotes | 0/10 Kent Brockman quotes |
8/10 Shaun Cassidy quotes | 0/10 Kent Keith quotes |
8/10 Shawn Colvin quotes | 0/10 Kevin Hammons quotes |
8/10 Zsa Zsa Gabor quotes | 0/10 Kim Reeves quotes |
8/10 Zig Ziglar quotes | 0/10 Justin Sane quotes |
8/10 Steve Martin quotes | 0/10 Kansas quotes |
8/10 Steve Mcqueen quotes | 0/10 Julia F. Carney quotes |
8/10 Stephen Stills quotes | 0/10 Julian Casablancas quotes |
8/10 Stephen Vincent Benet quotes | 0/10 Judge Judy quotes |
8/10 Steve Buscemi quotes | 0/10 Karl Menninger, Dr. quotes |
8/10 Steve Wozniak quotes | 0/10 Kathleen Casey Theisen quotes |
8/10 Steven Seagal quotes | 0/10 India Arie quotes |
8/10 Steven Spielberg quotes | 0/10 Ingrid Bengis quotes |
8/10 Steven Wright quotes | 0/10 Irvin Kauffman quotes |
8/10 Stephen Crane quotes | 0/10 Irving Howe quotes |
8/10 Stanley Kubrick quotes | 0/10 Isaac Mayer Wise quotes |
8/10 Stefanie Powers quotes | 0/10 Isidor Isaac Rabi quotes |
8/10 Sonny Liston quotes | 0/10 Ice T quotes |
8/10 Spike Lee quotes | 0/10 Idina Menzel quotes |
8/10 Spiro Agnew quotes | 0/10 Hugh White quotes |
8/10 T.S. Eliot quotes | 0/10 Jack Casady quotes |
8/10 Sue Grafton quotes | 0/10 J. Russell Lynes quotes |
8/10 Sugar Ray Leonard quotes | 0/10 J. Edward Day quotes |
8/10 Sugar Ray Robinson quotes | 0/10 J. Frederick Millea quotes |
8/10 Taylor Hanson quotes | 0/10 James Arthur Ray quotes |
8/10 Ted Turner quotes | 0/10 James Anderson (football player) quotes |
8/10 Ted Williams quotes | 0/10 Jackson Pollack quotes |
8/10 Tennessee Williams quotes | 0/10 Jacob Braude quotes |
8/10 Thelonious Monk quotes | 0/10 James Feibleman quotes |
8/10 Teri Garr quotes | 0/10 James Broughton quotes |
8/10 Thomas Merton quotes | 0/10 James Conlon quotes |
8/10 Thomas Sowell quotes | 0/10 James Luceno quotes |
8/10 Thomas Wolfe quotes | 0/10 James Holzier quotes |
8/10 Thornton Wilder quotes | 0/10 James Joyce (IBM's chief financial officer) quotes |
8/10 Timothy Leary quotes | 0/10 James Montgomery Bailey quotes |
8/10 Tom Hanks quotes | 0/10 James R. Hoffa (Jimmy) quotes |
8/10 Tom Robbins quotes | 0/10 Jane Kenyon quotes |
8/10 Tom Clancy quotes | 0/10 Jamie Paolinetti quotes |
8/10 Tom Lehrer quotes | 0/10 Jan Denise quotes |
8/10 Trey Anastasio quotes | 0/10 Jed Gillin quotes |
8/10 Triumph The Insult Dog quotes | 0/10 Jef I. Richards quotes |
8/10 Truman Capote quotes | 0/10 Jeffrey Bryant quotes |
8/10 Toni Morrison quotes | 0/10 Jeffrey D. Wilhelm quotes |
8/10 Tony Campolo quotes | 0/10 Jean-Michel Basquiat quotes |
8/10 Tyne Daly quotes | 0/10 Jean-Robert Lafortune quotes |
8/10 Upton Sinclair quotes | 0/10 Jeane J. Kirkpatrick quotes |
8/10 Veronica Lake quotes | 0/10 Jay Cicero quotes |
8/10 Vince Lombardi quotes | 0/10 Jay-Z quotes |
8/10 Vivien Leigh quotes | 0/10 Jason Mroz quotes |
8/10 Wayne Dyer quotes | 0/10 Jimmy D. Moore quotes |
8/10 Wanda Jackson quotes | 0/10 Jessica Bascom quotes |
8/10 Warren Beatty quotes | 0/10 Jim Ladd quotes |
8/10 Warren G. Harding quotes | 0/10 Joan Fontaine quotes |
8/10 Washington Irving quotes | 0/10 Joan Benoit Samuelson quotes |
8/10 Wilbur Wright quotes | 0/10 Jerry O'Connell quotes |
8/10 Wallace Stevens quotes | 0/10 Jewel quotes |
8/10 Walter Cronkite quotes | 0/10 Jill Ruckelshaus quotes |
8/10 Walker Evans quotes | 0/10 Jerry Burchfiel quotes |
8/10 Walter Payton quotes | 0/10 Jenny Shimizu quotes |
8/10 William Henry Harrison quotes | 0/10 Jennifer Baker (writer) quotes |
8/10 William Howard Taft quotes | 0/10 Jennie Jerome Churchill quotes |
8/10 William James quotes | 0/10 Joe Lacey quotes |
8/10 William Jennings Bryan quotes | 0/10 Joel Achenbach quotes |
8/10 William Lloyd Garrison quotes | 0/10 Joe E. Lewis quotes |
8/10 Will Rogers quotes | 0/10 John (Cougar) Mellencamp quotes |
8/10 William Carlos Williams quotes | 0/10 John Archibald Wheeler quotes |
8/10 Woody Allen quotes | 0/10 John Capozzi quotes |
8/10 Woody Guthrie quotes | 0/10 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. quotes |
8/10 Woody Harrelson quotes | 0/10 John F. Kennedy quotes |
8/10 Yogi Berra quotes | 0/10 John Claypool quotes |
8/10 Yul Brynner quotes | 0/10 John Hancock (consultant) quotes |
8/10 Zachary Taylor quotes | 0/10 John Hay Whitney quotes |
8/10 Zack de la Rocha quotes | 0/10 John Gregory Dunne quotes |
8/10 Zane Grey quotes | 0/10 John Godfrey Saxe quotes |
8/10 William Shockley quotes | 0/10 John McAllister Schofield quotes |
8/10 William Tecumseh Sherman quotes | 0/10 John Marshall (football coach) quotes |
8/10 William McKinley quotes | 0/10 John Maeda quotes |
8/10 William Randolph Hearst quotes | 0/10 John L. Graham quotes |
7/10 Zelda Fitzgerald quotes | 0/10 John Larry Granger quotes |
7/10 Woody Hayes quotes | 0/10 John Lothrop Motley quotes |
7/10 William Cullen Bryant quotes | 0/10 Henry M. Jackson quotes |
7/10 Willem de Kooning quotes | 0/10 Henry John Heinz quotes |
7/10 William Gibson quotes | 0/10 Herbert A. Otto quotes |
7/10 William Bennett quotes | 0/10 Herbert Bayard Swope quotes |
7/10 Walter Rauschenbusch quotes | 0/10 Henry Wheeler Shaw quotes |
7/10 Walter Hagen quotes | 0/10 Horace Smith quotes |
7/10 Walt Kelly quotes | 0/10 Herman J. Mankiewicz quotes |
7/10 W. Edwards Deming quotes | 0/10 Hinky Dink Kenna quotes |
7/10 W. H. Auden quotes | 0/10 Harriet McBryde Johnson quotes |
7/10 Tommy Lasorda quotes | 0/10 Harriet Monroe quotes |
7/10 Victor Borge quotes | 0/10 Harry M. Warner quotes |
7/10 Veronica Webb quotes | 0/10 Helen Foster Snow quotes |
7/10 Vannevar Bush quotes | 0/10 Helen Gahagan Douglas quotes |
7/10 Tom Wilson quotes | 0/10 Harvey Allen quotes |
7/10 Tom Hopkins quotes | 0/10 Harry A. Blackmun quotes |
7/10 Tillie Olsen quotes | 0/10 Harry B. Thayer quotes |
7/10 Theodore Roethke quotes | 0/10 Henry David Thoreau quotes |
7/10 Theodore Dreiser quotes | 0/10 Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. quotes |
7/10 Ted Shawn quotes | 0/10 Harvey S. Firestone quotes |
7/10 Terry McMillan quotes | 0/10 Henry B. Wilson quotes |
7/10 Susan Sontag quotes | 0/10 Henry Beard quotes |
7/10 Tallulah Bankhead quotes | 0/10 Grant Fairley quotes |
7/10 Sophie Tucker quotes | 0/10 Gregory Wallace Campbell quotes |
7/10 Spalding Gray quotes | 0/10 Gordon B. Hinckley quotes |
7/10 Stephen Bishop quotes | 0/10 Gordon B. Hinkley quotes |
7/10 Simon Wolf quotes | 0/10 Gilbert Highet quotes |
7/10 Sonny Bono quotes | 0/10 Georgia O'Keeffe quotes |
7/10 Stephen Wright quotes | 0/10 Glenway Wescott quotes |
7/10 Steve Allen quotes | 0/10 Gillis Triplett quotes |
7/10 Senator John Kerry quotes | 0/10 Harold Rosenberg quotes |
7/10 Saul Bellow quotes | 0/10 Harold J. Duarte-Bernhardt quotes |
7/10 Ruth Gordon quotes | 0/10 H. Jackson Brown, Jr. quotes |
7/10 Sam Rayburn quotes | 0/10 H. R. Haldeman quotes |
7/10 Ronnie Hawkins quotes | 0/10 Gwen Randall-Young quotes |
7/10 Roy Disney quotes | 0/10 Grover Glenn Norquist quotes |
7/10 Roy Wilkins quotes | 0/10 Evelyn Cunningham quotes |
7/10 Russell Baker quotes | 0/10 Eugene J. McCarthy quotes |
7/10 Ruth Benedict quotes | 0/10 Estelle Ramey quotes |
7/10 Robert Wilson quotes | 0/10 Eugene F. Ware quotes |
7/10 Robert Millikan quotes | 0/10 Flannery O'Connor quotes |
7/10 Robert Heinlein quotes | 0/10 F. Scott Fitzgerald quotes |
7/10 Robert Duncan quotes | 0/10 Fairfax Cone quotes |
7/10 Robert Anderson quotes | 0/10 Father James Keller quotes |
7/10 Robert Anton Wilson quotes | 0/10 Frank Iero quotes |
7/10 Reinhold Niebuhr quotes | 0/10 Frank L. Stanton quotes |
7/10 Richard Dreyfuss quotes | 0/10 Frank Moore Colby quotes |
7/10 Richard Marcinko quotes | 0/10 Francesca Lia Block quotes |
7/10 Richard Lewis quotes | 0/10 Francis John McConnell quotes |
7/10 Rita Rudner quotes | 0/10 Folashade' Ayanwale quotes |
7/10 Richard Rodgers quotes | 0/10 Frederick (Carl) Frieseke quotes |
7/10 Richard Rorty quotes | 0/10 George Wildman Ball quotes |
7/10 Peter Lorre quotes | 0/10 George Q. Cannon quotes |
7/10 Peter Marshall quotes | 0/10 George F. Burns quotes |
7/10 Pauline Kael quotes | 0/10 George H. Gallup quotes |
7/10 Raymond Carver quotes | 0/10 George Lorimer quotes |
7/10 Randall Jarrell quotes | 0/10 George B. Leonard quotes |
7/10 Rachel Field quotes | 0/10 George Bedard quotes |
7/10 Pat Conroy quotes | 0/10 George Dennison Prentice quotes |
7/10 Paul Ehrlich quotes | 0/10 Gen. H. Norman Schwartzkopf quotes |
7/10 Paul Lynde quotes | 0/10 Gary Freeman quotes |
7/10 Paul Whiteman quotes | 0/10 General George Catlett Marshall quotes |
7/10 Paula Poundstone quotes | 0/10 Fritjof Capra quotes |
7/10 Paul Tillich quotes | 0/10 Frederick Perls quotes |
7/10 Oscar Levant quotes | 0/10 Frederick Henry Hedge quotes |
7/10 Ossie Davis quotes | 0/10 Gardner Dickinson quotes |
7/10 Otis Williams quotes | 0/10 Eliza Wood Burhans Farnham quotes |
7/10 Og Mandino quotes | 0/10 Elizabeth Beaver quotes |
7/10 Nelson Rockefeller quotes | 0/10 Edwin Hubbel Chapin quotes |
7/10 Norma Shearer quotes | 0/10 Edward Tenner quotes |
7/10 Nam June Paik quotes | 0/10 Eleanor Robson Belmont quotes |
7/10 Nancy Cartwright quotes | 0/10 Elinor Smith quotes |
7/10 Mike Schmidt quotes | 0/10 Elias Root Beadle quotes |
7/10 Mike Smith quotes | 0/10 Edwin P. Whipple quotes |
7/10 Moses Malone quotes | 0/10 Edwin Schlossberg quotes |
7/10 Minnie Pearl quotes | 0/10 Eli Stanley Jones quotes |
7/10 Michael Harrington quotes | 0/10 Ellen Swallow Richards quotes |
7/10 Michael Stipe quotes | 0/10 Elliott Smith quotes |
7/10 Maxine Hong Kingston quotes | 0/10 Ellis Hadlock quotes |
7/10 Martin Mull quotes | 0/10 Ernestine Ulmer quotes |
7/10 Mary Baker Eddy quotes | 0/10 Ernest F. Hollings quotes |
7/10 Marilyn vos Savant quotes | 0/10 Eric Pio quotes |
7/10 Mario Andretti quotes | 0/10 E. Merrill Root quotes |
7/10 Mario Batali quotes | 0/10 Ed Bernard quotes |
7/10 Mario Cantone quotes | 0/10 Ed O'Neill quotes |
7/10 Marion Davies quotes | 0/10 Dwight Morrow quotes |
7/10 Marge Piercy quotes | 0/10 Dr. Phil quotes |
7/10 Margaret Mitchell quotes | 0/10 Dr. Theodore Schick quotes |
7/10 Marianne Moore quotes | 0/10 Dr. Harrison H. Schmidt quotes |
7/10 Margaret Chase Smith quotes | 0/10 Dr. Howard Tullman quotes |
7/10 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe quotes | 0/10 Dr. James Anderson quotes |
7/10 Lou Holtz quotes | 0/10 Douglas H. Everett quotes |
7/10 Louise Brown quotes | 0/10 Dr. Carl Sagan quotes |
7/10 Louise Erdrich quotes | 0/10 Dr. Charles H. Mayo MD quotes |
7/10 Lloyd Alexander quotes | 0/10 Ed Sabol quotes |
7/10 Lillian Hellman quotes | 0/10 Edmund Emil Kemper III quotes |
7/10 Leon Spinks quotes | 0/10 Edgar Watson Howe quotes |
7/10 Lewis Grizzard quotes | 0/10 Edward Hodnett quotes |
7/10 Leo Burnett quotes | 0/10 Edward Payson Roe quotes |
7/10 L. Ron Hubbard quotes | 0/10 Edward Keating quotes |
7/10 Lee Trevino quotes | 0/10 Edward Dahlberg quotes |
7/10 Lee De Forest quotes | 0/10 David Alfred Thomas Rhondda quotes |
7/10 Lee Grant quotes | 0/10 Daryl F. Zanuck quotes |
7/10 Kim Hunter quotes | 0/10 Dashboard Confessional quotes |
7/10 Karl Malden quotes | 0/10 David Greising quotes |
7/10 Joyce Kilmer quotes | 0/10 David Gayson quotes |
7/10 Julian Bond quotes | 0/10 David F. Houston quotes |
7/10 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar quotes | 0/10 David E. Bresler quotes |
7/10 Joseph Pulitzer quotes | 0/10 David C. McCullough quotes |
7/10 Jonathan Winters quotes | 0/10 David Kenyon Webster quotes |
7/10 John Wesley Powell quotes | 0/10 David Harold Fink quotes |
7/10 Johnnie Ray quotes | 0/10 David Herbert Donald quotes |
7/10 John Sebastian quotes | 0/10 David J. Bosch quotes |
7/10 Johnny Weissmuller quotes | 0/10 David Porter quotes |
7/10 John Reed quotes | 0/10 David Porter (US Navy) quotes |
7/10 John von Neumann quotes | 0/10 David Quammen quotes |
7/10 John Heisman quotes | 0/10 David R. Gergen quotes |
7/10 John Huston quotes | 0/10 David R. Nelson quotes |
7/10 John Lithgow quotes | 0/10 David Thornburg quotes |
7/10 John Foster Dulles quotes | 0/10 David Weinbaum quotes |
7/10 John Clarke quotes | 0/10 Dawson's Creek quotes |
7/10 John Dos Passos quotes | 0/10 David Selznick quotes |
7/10 Joel Chandler Harris quotes | 0/10 David Shenk quotes |
7/10 Joe Hill quotes | 0/10 David Nasaw quotes |
7/10 John Berryman quotes | 0/10 David Rudolf quotes |
7/10 John Ashcroft quotes | 0/10 Donna A. Favors quotes |
7/10 John Barrymore quotes | 0/10 Don Williams, Jr quotes |
7/10 John C. Maxwell quotes | 0/10 Don Williams, Jr. quotes |
7/10 Jim McMahon quotes | 0/10 Dorthea Brande quotes |
7/10 Jimmy Connors quotes | 0/10 Doug Ferrari quotes |
7/10 Jim Rohn quotes | 0/10 Don Herold quotes |
7/10 Jim Valvano quotes | 0/10 Don Kardong quotes |
7/10 Jesse Helms quotes | 0/10 Don Carpenter quotes |
7/10 Jessica Tandy quotes | 0/10 Diane Keaton (orig. Diane Hall) quotes |
7/10 Jeannette Rankin quotes | 0/10 Diane LaVey quotes |
7/10 Jascha Heifetz quotes | 0/10 Derek Damon quotes |
7/10 James Randi quotes | 0/10 Derek Shepherd quotes |
7/10 James Russell Lowell quotes | 0/10 Denny Crum quotes |
7/10 James Woods quotes | 0/10 Dick Cavett quotes |
7/10 James Knox Polk quotes | 0/10 Dick Cheney quotes |
7/10 Jacqueline Woodson quotes | 0/10 Dick Clark quotes |
7/10 James Agee quotes | 0/10 Dick Powell quotes |
7/10 Jackie Mason quotes | 0/10 Dick Van Dyke quotes |
7/10 J. Robert Oppenheimer quotes | 0/10 Dierks Bentley quotes |
7/10 Jack Kirby quotes | 0/10 Denise Austin quotes |
7/10 Jack Handey quotes | 0/10 Denise Caruso quotes |
7/10 Isiah Thomas quotes | 0/10 Debra Edwards quotes |
7/10 Irving Fisher quotes | 0/10 Denise McCanles quotes |
7/10 Irish McCalla quotes | 0/10 Demetri Martin quotes |
7/10 Hugo Black quotes | 0/10 Cody Wilshire quotes |
7/10 Howard Keel quotes | 0/10 Coleman Hawkings quotes |
7/10 Howard Aiken quotes | 0/10 Clementine Paddleford quotes |
7/10 Howard Cosell quotes | 0/10 Cliff Burton quotes |
7/10 Hugh Nibley quotes | 0/10 Clifford Geertz quotes |
7/10 Horace Greeley quotes | 0/10 Clifford Truesdell quotes |
7/10 Henry Van Dyke quotes | 0/10 Colonel Potter quotes |
7/10 Harvey Fierstein quotes | 0/10 Conan O'Brien quotes |
7/10 Henry Cabot Lodge quotes | 0/10 Connie Rice quotes |
7/10 Helen Hayes quotes | 0/10 Coolio quotes |
7/10 Harry Shearer quotes | 0/10 Counting Crows quotes |
7/10 Hannah Arendt quotes | 0/10 Colonel Gerald Wellman quotes |
7/10 Harpo Marx quotes | 0/10 Courtney Cox quotes |
7/10 Harold Washington quotes | 0/10 Craig A. McCraw quotes |
7/10 Guy Ritchie quotes | 0/10 Daniel T. Gilbert quotes |
7/10 Gwen Verdon quotes | 0/10 Daniel Vosovic quotes |
7/10 Geraldo Rivera quotes | 0/10 Danny Paradise quotes |
7/10 Gloria Grahame quotes | 0/10 Daniel Nemec quotes |
7/10 Grantland Rice quotes | 0/10 Daniel P. Moynihan quotes |
7/10 Gracie Allen quotes | 0/10 Daniel Quinn quotes |
7/10 Grace Paley quotes | 0/10 Damian Moss quotes |
7/10 George Santayana quotes | 0/10 Dael Orlandersmith quotes |
7/10 George McGovern quotes | 0/10 Dale Evans Rogers quotes |
7/10 George Halas quotes | 0/10 Charles Lynch quotes |
7/10 George Caleb Bingham quotes | 0/10 Charles Feidelson Jr. quotes |
7/10 General George S. Patton quotes | 0/10 Charleszetta Waddles quotes |
7/10 George Allen quotes | 0/10 Charles M. Schwab quotes |
7/10 G. Gordon Liddy quotes | 0/10 Charles Sawyer quotes |
7/10 Gary Hart quotes | 0/10 Chic Hecht quotes |
7/10 Gene Roddenberry quotes | 0/10 Chauncey Depew quotes |
7/10 Gary Zukav quotes | 0/10 Cheewa James quotes |
7/10 Fred Allen quotes | 0/10 Charlotte Saunders Cushman quotes |
7/10 Frederick Buechner quotes | 0/10 Clarence B. Kelland quotes |
7/10 Fred Waring quotes | 0/10 Clarence Brown quotes |
7/10 Frank Rizzo quotes | 0/10 Cindi Wafstet quotes |
7/10 Floyd Patterson quotes | 0/10 Christina Dittmann quotes |
7/10 Frank Herbert quotes | 0/10 Christine M. Lannon quotes |
7/10 Frank Capra quotes | 0/10 Chief Edward F. Croker quotes |
7/10 Fanny Fern quotes | 0/10 Chiswell Langhorne quotes |
7/10 Eugene Field quotes | 0/10 Chris Codiroli quotes |
7/10 Eubie Blake quotes | 0/10 Chris Doelle quotes |
7/10 Ernie Kovacs quotes | 0/10 Chris Raab quotes |
7/10 Eric Hoffer quotes | 0/10 Chris Thile quotes |
7/10 Emma Lazarus quotes | 0/10 Chris Vallery quotes |
7/10 Emmet Fox quotes | 0/10 Christian Nestell Bovee quotes |
7/10 Erica Jong quotes | 0/10 Cedric Maxwell quotes |
7/10 Erich Fromm quotes | 0/10 Caskie Stinnett quotes |
7/10 Ernest Holmes quotes | 0/10 Cassie Liegh quotes |
7/10 Elmore Leonard quotes | 0/10 Charles A. Dana quotes |
7/10 Elsa Lanchester quotes | 0/10 Charles Austin Beard quotes |
7/10 Elizabeth Wurtzel quotes | 0/10 Carol Lynn Pearson quotes |
7/10 Edward R. Murrow quotes | 0/10 Buddy Baker quotes |
7/10 Elisabeth Kubler-Ross quotes | 0/10 Bruce R. McConkie quotes |
7/10 Ella Wheeler Wilcox quotes | 0/10 Byron Janis quotes |
7/10 Eileen collins quotes | 0/10 C. C. DeVille quotes |
7/10 Eli Wallach quotes | 0/10 Caitlin Allen quotes |
7/10 Edward G. Robinson quotes | 0/10 Carl Stoddard quotes |
7/10 Edward Abbey quotes | 0/10 Carl N. Degler quotes |
7/10 Edward Albee quotes | 0/10 Brendan Gill quotes |
7/10 Edna Ferber quotes | 0/10 Brian Kessler quotes |
7/10 Edgar Guest quotes | 0/10 Brian Kest quotes |
7/10 Earl Warren quotes | 0/10 Brian Koslow quotes |
7/10 Earl Weaver quotes | 0/10 Boies Penrose quotes |
7/10 Earl Nightingale quotes | 0/10 Breakfast at tiffany's quotes |
7/10 Douglas Engelbart quotes | 0/10 Brenda Hammond quotes |
7/10 Dorothy Dix quotes | 0/10 Brittnie Ballard quotes |
7/10 Don Shula quotes | 0/10 Briana Scurry quotes |
7/10 Denise Levertov quotes | 0/10 Bishop Creighton quotes |
7/10 Dianne Feinstein quotes | 0/10 Bob Zuppke quotes |
7/10 Danny Thomas quotes | 0/10 Bob Lekites quotes |
7/10 Dave Van Ronk quotes | 0/10 Bob Allisat quotes |
7/10 David Brenner quotes | 0/10 Bob Guccionne quotes |
7/10 David Brinkley quotes | 0/10 Betty Reese quotes |
7/10 David Carradine quotes | 0/10 Betty Smith (writer) quotes |
7/10 David Johansen quotes | 0/10 Berni Mac quotes |
7/10 David Mamet quotes | 0/10 Bertha Damon quotes |
7/10 David Sarnoff quotes | 0/10 Bessie Stanley quotes |
7/10 Dan Castellaneta quotes | 0/10 Bethania McKenstry quotes |
7/10 Dan Fouts quotes | 0/10 Ben Harper quotes |
7/10 Dan Quayle quotes | 0/10 Benjamin Cohen quotes |
7/10 Dalton Trumbo quotes | 0/10 Bear Bryant quotes |
7/10 Conrad Hilton quotes | 0/10 Beca Lewis quotes |
7/10 Clayton Moore quotes | 0/10 Barry McGee quotes |
7/10 Chico Marx quotes | 0/10 Belva Porter quotes |
7/10 Chuck Woolery quotes | 0/10 Ben Johnson (attorney) quotes |
7/10 Chester A. Arthur quotes | 0/10 Ben Johnson (student) quotes |
7/10 Chastity Bono quotes | 0/10 Ben Manski quotes |
7/10 Carole Lombard quotes | 0/10 Barnaby C. Keeney quotes |
7/10 Carlos Casteneda quotes | 0/10 Barrows Dunham quotes |
7/10 Carrie Snodgress quotes | 0/10 Augustus Owsley Stanley quotes |
7/10 Casey Stengel quotes | 0/10 B. C. Forbes quotes |
7/10 Carl Bernstein quotes | 0/10 Arthur Forman quotes |
7/10 Butterfly McQueen quotes | 0/10 Arthur Powell Davies quotes |
7/10 Buddy Hackett quotes | 0/10 Art Spander quotes |
7/10 Buffy Sainte-Marie quotes | 0/10 Artemus Ward (writer) quotes |
7/10 Buck Rodgers quotes | 0/10 Ariel Durant quotes |
7/10 Brian Tracy quotes | 0/10 Arnold Lobel quotes |
7/10 Brian Williams quotes | 0/10 Archie M. Richards, Jr. quotes |
7/10 Brooks Robinson quotes | 0/10 Anne Sexton quotes |
7/10 Bruce Jenner quotes | 0/10 Anthony Beal quotes |
7/10 Bobby Bowden quotes | 0/10 Anthony J. D'Angelo quotes |
7/10 Branch Rickey quotes | 0/10 Anne Morrow Lindbergh quotes |
7/10 Bret Harte quotes | 0/10 Anne O'Hare McCormick quotes |
7/10 Bob Feller quotes | 0/10 Anne Rice quotes |
7/10 Bob Gibson quotes | 0/10 Anna Lappe quotes |
7/10 Black Elk quotes | 0/10 Anne Herbert quotes |
7/10 Blair Underwood quotes | 0/10 Anne Hillman quotes |
7/10 Bill Walton quotes | 0/10 Andrea Gonzalo quotes |
7/10 Billie Burke quotes | 0/10 Alfred Sheinwold quotes |
7/10 Bill McCartney quotes | 0/10 Alfred Whitney Griswold quotes |
7/10 Billy Crystal quotes | 0/10 Algernon D. Black quotes |
7/10 Billy Gibbons quotes | 0/10 Alice May Brock quotes |
7/10 Bill Lee quotes | 0/10 Alix Olson quotes |
7/10 Bill Nelson quotes | 0/10 Allan Khnanisho quotes |
7/10 Bill Bradley quotes | 0/10 Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby quotes |
7/10 Bill Bryson quotes | 0/10 Amos Tversky quotes |
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