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German Authors

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10/10 Adolf Hitler popularity 10/10  Adolf Hitler quotes5/10 Walther Rathenau popularity 5/10  Walther Rathenau quotes
10/10 Albert Einstein popularity 10/10  Albert Einstein quotes5/10 Werner Karl Heisenberg popularity 5/10  Werner Karl Heisenberg quotes
10/10 Anne Frank popularity 10/10  Anne Frank quotes5/10 Wilhelm Busch popularity 5/10  Wilhelm Busch quotes
10/10 Diane Kruger popularity 10/10  Diane Kruger quotes5/10 Wim Wenders popularity 5/10  Wim Wenders quotes
10/10 Heidi Klum popularity 10/10  Heidi Klum quotes5/10 Max Born popularity 5/10  Max Born quotes
10/10 Martin Luther popularity 10/10  Martin Luther quotes5/10 Manfred Eigen popularity 5/10  Manfred Eigen quotes
10/10 Pope Benedict XVI popularity 10/10  Pope Benedict XVI quotes5/10 Joseph Paul Goebbels popularity 5/10  Joseph Paul Goebbels quotes
9/10 Marlene Dietrich popularity 9/10  Marlene Dietrich quotes5/10 Karl Liebknecht popularity 5/10  Karl Liebknecht quotes
9/10 Johann Sebastian Bach popularity 9/10  Johann Sebastian Bach quotes5/10 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg popularity 5/10  Georg Christoph Lichtenberg quotes
9/10 Karl Marx popularity 9/10  Karl Marx quotes5/10 Georg Simmel popularity 5/10  Georg Simmel quotes
9/10 Katarina Witt popularity 9/10  Katarina Witt quotes5/10 Jean Paul Richter popularity 5/10  Jean Paul Richter quotes
9/10 Ludwig van Beethoven popularity 9/10  Ludwig van Beethoven quotes5/10 Hildegard Knef popularity 5/10  Hildegard Knef quotes
9/10 Heinrich Himmler popularity 9/10  Heinrich Himmler quotes5/10 Heinrich Hoffman popularity 5/10  Heinrich Hoffman quotes
9/10 Claudia Schiffer popularity 9/10  Claudia Schiffer quotes5/10 Franz Werfel popularity 5/10  Franz Werfel quotes
9/10 Bruce Willis popularity 9/10  Bruce Willis quotes5/10 Frederick Loewe popularity 5/10  Frederick Loewe quotes
8/10 Adolf Eichmann popularity 8/10  Adolf Eichmann quotes3/10 Ernst Fischer popularity 3/10  Ernst Fischer quotes
8/10 Bertolt Brecht popularity 8/10  Bertolt Brecht quotes3/10 Curt Goetz popularity 3/10  Curt Goetz quotes
8/10 Dietrich Bonhoeffer popularity 8/10  Dietrich Bonhoeffer quotes3/10 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel popularity 3/10  Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quotes
8/10 Albert Schweitzer popularity 8/10  Albert Schweitzer quotes3/10 Friedrich von Schiller popularity 3/10  Friedrich von Schiller quotes
8/10 Emil Nolde popularity 8/10  Emil Nolde quotes3/10 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing popularity 3/10  Gotthold Ephraim Lessing quotes
8/10 Franz Kafka popularity 8/10  Franz Kafka quotes3/10 Theodor W. Adorno popularity 3/10  Theodor W. Adorno quotes
8/10 Friedrich Nietzsche popularity 8/10  Friedrich Nietzsche quotes2/10 Kurt Tucholsky popularity 2/10  Kurt Tucholsky quotes
8/10 Helmut Newton popularity 8/10  Helmut Newton quotes2/10 E. F. Schumacher popularity 2/10  E. F. Schumacher quotes
8/10 Immanuel Kant popularity 8/10  Immanuel Kant quotes2/10 Eberhard Arnold popularity 2/10  Eberhard Arnold quotes
8/10 Jeanette Biedermann popularity 8/10  Jeanette Biedermann quotes2/10 Friedrich Hegel popularity 2/10  Friedrich Hegel quotes
8/10 George Frideric Handel popularity 8/10  George Frideric Handel quotes1/10 Ludwig Erhard popularity 1/10  Ludwig Erhard quotes
8/10 Gutenberg popularity 8/10  Gutenberg quotes0/10 Lama Anagarika Govinda popularity 0/10  Lama Anagarika Govinda quotes
8/10 Klaus Kinski popularity 8/10  Klaus Kinski quotes0/10 Karl Valentin popularity 0/10  Karl Valentin quotes
8/10 Karen Horney popularity 8/10  Karen Horney quotes0/10 Martin Niemöller popularity 0/10  Martin Niemöller quotes
8/10 Johannes Brahms popularity 8/10  Johannes Brahms quotes0/10 Paul Eipper popularity 0/10  Paul Eipper quotes
8/10 Johannes Kepler popularity 8/10  Johannes Kepler quotes0/10 Paul Heinrich Dietrich von Holbach popularity 0/10  Paul Heinrich Dietrich von Holbach quotes
8/10 Martin Bormann popularity 8/10  Martin Bormann quotes0/10 Paul Van Dyk popularity 0/10  Paul Van Dyk quotes
8/10 Max Planck popularity 8/10  Max Planck quotes0/10 Peter Hille popularity 0/10  Peter Hille quotes
8/10 Robert Koch popularity 8/10  Robert Koch quotes0/10 Nikolaus Pevsner popularity 0/10  Nikolaus Pevsner quotes
8/10 Richard Strauss popularity 8/10  Richard Strauss quotes0/10 Wolf Biermann popularity 0/10  Wolf Biermann quotes
8/10 Richard Wagner popularity 8/10  Richard Wagner quotes0/10 Richard Dehmel popularity 0/10  Richard Dehmel quotes
8/10 Steffi Graf popularity 8/10  Steffi Graf quotes0/10 Robert Lembke popularity 0/10  Robert Lembke quotes
7/10 Thomas a Kempis popularity 7/10  Thomas a Kempis quotes0/10 Sabina Sesselmann popularity 0/10  Sabina Sesselmann quotes
7/10 Thomas Mann popularity 7/10  Thomas Mann quotes0/10 Sigmund Graff popularity 0/10  Sigmund Graff quotes
7/10 Walter Gropius popularity 7/10  Walter Gropius quotes0/10 Victor de Kowa popularity 0/10  Victor de Kowa quotes
7/10 Meister Eckhart popularity 7/10  Meister Eckhart quotes0/10 Thomas Niederreuther popularity 0/10  Thomas Niederreuther quotes
7/10 Paul Tillich popularity 7/10  Paul Tillich quotes0/10 Theobald Theodor Von Bethmann-Hollweg popularity 0/10  Theobald Theodor Von Bethmann-Hollweg quotes
7/10 Novalis popularity 7/10  Novalis quotes0/10 Robert A. Schumann popularity 0/10  Robert A. Schumann quotes
7/10 Martin Buber popularity 7/10  Martin Buber quotes0/10 Friedrich Hoelderlin popularity 0/10  Friedrich Hoelderlin quotes
7/10 Martin Heidegger popularity 7/10  Martin Heidegger quotes0/10 Friedrich Rückert popularity 0/10  Friedrich Rückert quotes
7/10 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe popularity 7/10  Ludwig Mies van der Rohe quotes0/10 Friedrich Vón Logau popularity 0/10  Friedrich Vón Logau quotes
7/10 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe popularity 7/10  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes0/10 Frederick Perls popularity 0/10  Frederick Perls quotes
7/10 Konrad Adenauer popularity 7/10  Konrad Adenauer quotes0/10 Edward Yashinsky popularity 0/10  Edward Yashinsky quotes
7/10 Hannah Arendt popularity 7/10  Hannah Arendt quotes0/10 Emil Ludwig popularity 0/10  Emil Ludwig quotes
7/10 Gunter Grass popularity 7/10  Gunter Grass quotes0/10 Ernst Deutsch popularity 0/10  Ernst Deutsch quotes
7/10 Fritz Perls popularity 7/10  Fritz Perls quotes0/10 E F J Von Munch-Bellinghausen popularity 0/10  E F J Von Munch-Bellinghausen quotes
7/10 Heinrich Heine popularity 7/10  Heinrich Heine quotes0/10 Barbara Rütting popularity 0/10  Barbara Rütting quotes
7/10 Hermann Hesse popularity 7/10  Hermann Hesse quotes0/10 Berthold Auerbach popularity 0/10  Berthold Auerbach quotes
7/10 Friedrich Engels popularity 7/10  Friedrich Engels quotes0/10 Gerhard Uhlenbruck popularity 0/10  Gerhard Uhlenbruck quotes
7/10 Erich Fromm popularity 7/10  Erich Fromm quotes0/10 Hans Kasper popularity 0/10  Hans Kasper quotes
7/10 Alfred Eisenstaedt popularity 7/10  Alfred Eisenstaedt quotes0/10 Hebbel popularity 0/10  Hebbel quotes
7/10 Carl Friedrich Gauss popularity 7/10  Carl Friedrich Gauss quotes0/10 Friedrich von Schlegel popularity 0/10  Friedrich von Schlegel quotes
6/10 Arthur Schopenhauer popularity 6/10  Arthur Schopenhauer quotes0/10 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling popularity 0/10  Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling quotes
6/10 Ernst Mach popularity 6/10  Ernst Mach quotes0/10 G. W. von Leibnitz popularity 0/10  G. W. von Leibnitz quotes
6/10 Jacob Boehme popularity 6/10  Jacob Boehme quotes0/10 G. Wilhelm Leibniz popularity 0/10  G. Wilhelm Leibniz quotes
6/10 Gellert popularity 6/10  Gellert quotes0/10 Georg Keil popularity 0/10  Georg Keil quotes
6/10 Hans Hofmann popularity 6/10  Hans Hofmann quotes0/10 Heinrich Wiesner popularity 0/10  Heinrich Wiesner quotes
6/10 Lilli Palmer popularity 6/10  Lilli Palmer quotes0/10 Heinz Ruehman popularity 0/10  Heinz Ruehman quotes
6/10 Oswald Spengler popularity 6/10  Oswald Spengler quotes0/10 Immanuel Hermass von Fichte popularity 0/10  Immanuel Hermass von Fichte quotes
6/10 Walter Benjamin popularity 6/10  Walter Benjamin quotes0/10 Joachim Fuchsberger popularity 0/10  Joachim Fuchsberger quotes
6/10 Uta Hagen popularity 6/10  Uta Hagen quotes0/10 Johann G. Seume popularity 0/10  Johann G. Seume quotes
6/10 Paul Keller popularity 6/10  Paul Keller quotes0/10 Johann Gottfried Von Herder popularity 0/10  Johann Gottfried Von Herder quotes
5/10 Petra Kelly popularity 5/10  Petra Kelly quotes0/10 Johann Gottlieb Fichte popularity 0/10  Johann Gottlieb Fichte quotes
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