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Famous Physicists

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William Shockley popularity 8/10  William Shockley quotesJohn Moffat popularity 0/10  John Moffat quotes
Werner Karl Heisenberg popularity 5/10  Werner Karl Heisenberg quotesJohn Archibald Wheeler popularity 0/10  John Archibald Wheeler quotes
Victor J. Stenger popularity 3/10  Victor J. Stenger quotesJeremy Bernstein popularity 3/10  Jeremy Bernstein quotes
Tim Berners-Lee popularity 8/10  Tim Berners-Lee quotesJames Clerk Maxwell popularity 8/10  James Clerk Maxwell quotes
Steven Weinberg popularity 5/10  Steven Weinberg quotesJ. Robert Oppenheimer popularity 7/10  J. Robert Oppenheimer quotes
Steven Chu popularity 3/10  Steven Chu quotesIsidor Isaac Rabi popularity 0/10  Isidor Isaac Rabi quotes
Stephen Hawking popularity 9/10  Stephen Hawking quotesIsaac Newton popularity 10/10  Isaac Newton quotes
Sir Edward Appleton popularity 0/10  Sir Edward Appleton quotesHenri Poincare popularity 5/10  Henri Poincare quotes
Sir Arthur Eddington popularity 5/10  Sir Arthur Eddington quotesHeinrich Rudolf Hertz popularity 6/10  Heinrich Rudolf Hertz quotes
Rosalyn S. Yalow popularity 0/10  Rosalyn S. Yalow quotesHarold C. Urey popularity 5/10  Harold C. Urey quotes
Robert Millikan popularity 7/10  Robert Millikan quotesHans A. Bethe popularity 0/10  Hans A. Bethe quotes
Richard Feynman popularity 8/10  Richard Feynman quotesFritjof Capra popularity 0/10  Fritjof Capra quotes
Patrick M. S. Blackett popularity 0/10  Patrick M. S. Blackett quotesFreeman Dyson popularity 6/10  Freeman Dyson quotes
Niels Bohr popularity 8/10  Niels Bohr quotesEugene Wigner popularity 2/10  Eugene Wigner quotes
Michael Faraday popularity 8/10  Michael Faraday quotesEnrico Fermi popularity 8/10  Enrico Fermi quotes
Max Planck popularity 8/10  Max Planck quotesEdward Teller popularity 8/10  Edward Teller quotes
Max Born popularity 5/10  Max Born quotesDavid Bohm popularity 6/10  David Bohm quotes
Mark Woods popularity 0/10  Mark Woods quotesDaniel Kleppner popularity 0/10  Daniel Kleppner quotes
Marie Curie popularity 9/10  Marie Curie quotesBlaise Pascal popularity 9/10  Blaise Pascal quotes
Manfred Eigen popularity 5/10  Manfred Eigen quotesAndrei Sakharov popularity 6/10  Andrei Sakharov quotes
Leo Szilard popularity 6/10  Leo Szilard quotesAlbert Einstein popularity 10/10  Albert Einstein quotes
John Tyndall popularity 6/10  John Tyndall quotes 
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