by Mark Lugris
'Famous quotes' is really a contradictory term. Many quotes are already 'famous' from the outset since they have been considered worthwhile enough to be repeated. At, most quotes are 'famous quotes,' but since contributions are a key part of our service, many quotations can become famous quotes, if only for fifteen minutes.
The irony of famous quotes though is that nobody ever knows whether a quote will become famous. Choosing worthwhile words that will become famous quotes is a futile effort since fame is an uncertain and gradual outcome, and celebrity can strike when least expected.
Famous quotes often come from those people who try to avoid fame the most. Frequently, it is this lack of desire for notoriety that makes people more fascinating, and unintentionally results in memorable famous quotes.
The sources for famous quotes are at times those who aren't aware of their own fame, which makes their contributions to the chronicles of famous quotes all the more intriguing. People who engage in a craft that has little to do with the spoken work and who seem unlikely providers of famous quotes.
Yet for some purveyors of famous quotes, fame is inevitable. For better or for worse, these celebrities have had to accept their fame and have indirectly given us some of the best famous quotes we know, and that in the long run , these will only serve to heighten their recognition.
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