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Famous Writers

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A. Godin popularity 0/10  A. Godin quotesJane Wagner popularity 6/10  Jane Wagner quotes
A. J. Liebling popularity 0/10  A. J. Liebling quotesJann Wenner popularity 5/10  Jann Wenner quotes
A.A. Attanasio popularity 0/10  A.A. Attanasio quotesJean Baptiste Lacordaire popularity 0/10  Jean Baptiste Lacordaire quotes
Abbie Hoffman popularity 8/10  Abbie Hoffman quotesJean Baptiste Racine popularity 0/10  Jean Baptiste Racine quotes
Abigail Adams popularity 9/10  Abigail Adams quotesJean Guehenno popularity 0/10  Jean Guehenno quotes
Abraham Joshua Heschel popularity 0/10  Abraham Joshua Heschel quotesJean Ingelow popularity 5/10  Jean Ingelow quotes
Adair Lara popularity 0/10  Adair Lara quotesJean Kerr popularity 5/10  Jean Kerr quotes
Adelle Davis popularity 6/10  Adelle Davis quotesJean Toomer popularity 8/10  Jean Toomer quotes
Agnes Repplier popularity 0/10  Agnes Repplier quotesJean-Jacques Rousseau popularity 8/10  Jean-Jacques Rousseau quotes
Al Franken popularity 8/10  Al Franken quotesJean-Paul Sartre popularity 7/10  Jean-Paul Sartre quotes
Al-Tirmidhi popularity 0/10  Al-Tirmidhi quotesJeffrey D. Wilhelm popularity 0/10  Jeffrey D. Wilhelm quotes
Alamgir Hashmi popularity 0/10  Alamgir Hashmi quotesJeremy Bernstein popularity 3/10  Jeremy Bernstein quotes
Alan Bennett popularity 5/10  Alan Bennett quotesJeremy Taylor popularity 6/10  Jeremy Taylor quotes
Alan Coren popularity 0/10  Alan Coren quotesJerome K. Jerome popularity 5/10  Jerome K. Jerome quotes
Alan Dean Foster popularity 6/10  Alan Dean Foster quotesJessamyn West popularity 6/10  Jessamyn West quotes
Alan Herbert popularity 0/10  Alan Herbert quotesJilly Cooper popularity 6/10  Jilly Cooper quotes
Alan M. Dershowitz popularity 0/10  Alan M. Dershowitz quotesJim Bishop popularity 6/10  Jim Bishop quotes
Alan Paton popularity 6/10  Alan Paton quotesJim Murray popularity 5/10  Jim Murray quotes
Alan Watts popularity 8/10  Alan Watts quotesJim Pinto popularity 2/10  Jim Pinto quotes
Albert Ellis popularity 8/10  Albert Ellis quotesJoachim Du Bellay popularity 6/10  Joachim Du Bellay quotes
Albert Malvino popularity 0/10  Albert Malvino quotesJoan Delano Aiken popularity 3/10  Joan Delano Aiken quotes
Albert Payson Terhune popularity 7/10  Albert Payson Terhune quotesJoanne Kathleen Rowling popularity 8/10  Joanne Kathleen Rowling quotes
Aleksander Hemon popularity 0/10  Aleksander Hemon quotesJoe Flaherty popularity 6/10  Joe Flaherty quotes
Alexander King popularity 0/10  Alexander King quotesJoel Chandler Harris popularity 7/10  Joel Chandler Harris quotes
Alexandre Dumas Pčre popularity 0/10  Alexandre Dumas Père quotesJohann Georg Zimmermann popularity 0/10  Johann Georg Zimmermann quotes
Alfred Jarry popularity 5/10  Alfred Jarry quotesJohn Arbuthnot popularity 5/10  John Arbuthnot quotes
Alice Caldwell Rice popularity 0/10  Alice Caldwell Rice quotesJohn Aubrey popularity 5/10  John Aubrey quotes
Alice James popularity 3/10  Alice James quotesJohn Bright popularity 6/10  John Bright quotes
Alice Miller popularity 6/10  Alice Miller quotesJohn Buchan popularity 6/10  John Buchan quotes
Alice Walker popularity 9/10  Alice Walker quotesJohn C. Holmes popularity 8/10  John C. Holmes quotes
Allan Cunningham popularity 5/10  Allan Cunningham quotesJohn Cotton Dana popularity 5/10  John Cotton Dana quotes
Allan Kardec popularity 0/10  Allan Kardec quotesJohn Evelyn popularity 5/10  John Evelyn quotes
Alphonse Allais popularity 0/10  Alphonse Allais quotesJohn Greenleaf Whittier popularity 8/10  John Greenleaf Whittier quotes
Alphonse de Lamartine popularity 5/10  Alphonse de Lamartine quotesJohn Gregory Dunne popularity 0/10  John Gregory Dunne quotes
Amanda Cross popularity 5/10  Amanda Cross quotesJohn Gunther popularity 6/10  John Gunther quotes
Ambrose Bierce popularity 8/10  Ambrose Bierce quotesJohn Irving popularity 8/10  John Irving quotes
Amelia E. Barr popularity 0/10  Amelia E. Barr quotesJohn Kendrick Bangs popularity 5/10  John Kendrick Bangs quotes
Amy Tan popularity 8/10  Amy Tan quotesJohn LeCarre popularity 6/10  John LeCarre quotes
Anatole France popularity 6/10  Anatole France quotesJohn Lyly popularity 6/10  John Lyly quotes
Andre Gide popularity 6/10  Andre Gide quotesJohn Ruskin popularity 7/10  John Ruskin quotes
Andre P. Brink popularity 0/10  Andre P. Brink quotesJohn Steinbeck popularity 9/10  John Steinbeck quotes
Andy Rooney popularity 8/10  Andy Rooney quotesJohn Updike popularity 8/10  John Updike quotes
Angela Carter popularity 7/10  Angela Carter quotesJohn W. Gardner popularity 6/10  John W. Gardner quotes
Anita Ryan popularity 0/10  Anita Ryan quotesJohn Webster popularity 6/10  John Webster quotes
Ann Douglas popularity 7/10  Ann Douglas quotesJohn Ziff popularity 0/10  John Ziff quotes
Anna Julia Cooper popularity 7/10  Anna Julia Cooper quotesJohnathan Larson popularity 5/10  Johnathan Larson quotes
Anna Letitia Barbauld popularity 6/10  Anna Letitia Barbauld quotesJon Bentley popularity 0/10  Jon Bentley quotes
Anne Morrow Lindbergh popularity 0/10  Anne Morrow Lindbergh quotesJon Voigt popularity 6/10  Jon Voigt quotes
Anne Roiphe popularity 3/10  Anne Roiphe quotesJorja Fox popularity 0/10  Jorja Fox quotes
Anne Sexton popularity 0/10  Anne Sexton quotesJose Bergamin popularity 3/10  Jose Bergamin quotes
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin popularity 0/10  Anthelme Brillat-Savarin quotesJose Marti popularity 8/10  Jose Marti quotes
Anthony Hope popularity 5/10  Anthony Hope quotesJoseph Brodsky popularity 5/10  Joseph Brodsky quotes
Anthony Powell popularity 6/10  Anthony Powell quotesJoseph Hall popularity 5/10  Joseph Hall quotes
Antoine de Saint-Exupery popularity 6/10  Antoine de Saint-Exupery quotesJoseph L. Mankiewicz popularity 3/10  Joseph L. Mankiewicz quotes
Antonio Gala popularity 5/10  Antonio Gala quotesJoseph Marie de Maistre popularity 0/10  Joseph Marie de Maistre quotes
Antonio Porchia popularity 0/10  Antonio Porchia quotesJoseph Wechsberg popularity 2/10  Joseph Wechsberg quotes
Antony Jay popularity 0/10  Antony Jay quotesJoseph Wood Krutch popularity 3/10  Joseph Wood Krutch quotes
Ariel Durant popularity 0/10  Ariel Durant quotesJoshua Loth Liebman popularity 2/10  Joshua Loth Liebman quotes
Artemus Ward (writer) popularity 0/10  Artemus Ward (writer) quotesJosiah Gilbert Holland popularity 5/10  Josiah Gilbert Holland quotes
Arthur Brisbane popularity 5/10  Arthur Brisbane quotesJoy Held popularity 0/10  Joy Held quotes
Arthur C. Clarke popularity 8/10  Arthur C. Clarke quotesJoyce Cary popularity 3/10  Joyce Cary quotes
Arthur Christopher Benson popularity 0/10  Arthur Christopher Benson quotesJoyce Kilmer popularity 7/10  Joyce Kilmer quotes
Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr. popularity 0/10  Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr. quotesJules Renard popularity 1/10  Jules Renard quotes
Arthur Hugh Clough popularity 3/10  Arthur Hugh Clough quotesJulia Ward Howe popularity 7/10  Julia Ward Howe quotes
Arthur Rimbaud popularity 7/10  Arthur Rimbaud quotesJulianne Balmain popularity 0/10  Julianne Balmain quotes
Aubrey Menen popularity 0/10  Aubrey Menen quotesJune Jordan popularity 5/10  June Jordan quotes
August Wilson popularity 8/10  August Wilson quotesKarl Valentin popularity 0/10  Karl Valentin quotes
Augustine Birrell popularity 5/10  Augustine Birrell quotesKarla Mclaren popularity 5/10  Karla Mclaren quotes
Austin Osman Spare popularity 0/10  Austin Osman Spare quotesKate Chopin popularity 9/10  Kate Chopin quotes
Ayn Rand popularity 9/10  Ayn Rand quotesKate Seredy popularity 3/10  Kate Seredy quotes
Baltasar Gracian popularity 5/10  Baltasar Gracian quotesKatherine Mansfield popularity 8/10  Katherine Mansfield quotes
Barbara Ehrenreich popularity 6/10  Barbara Ehrenreich quotesKathryn Hulme popularity 0/10  Kathryn Hulme quotes
Barbara Johnson popularity 7/10  Barbara Johnson quotesKen Kesey popularity 8/10  Ken Kesey quotes
Barbara Kingsolver popularity 7/10  Barbara Kingsolver quotesKen MacLeod popularity 5/10  Ken MacLeod quotes
Barbara Smith popularity 6/10  Barbara Smith quotesKen S. Keyes jr. popularity 0/10  Ken S. Keyes jr. quotes
Barry Humphries popularity 7/10  Barry Humphries quotesKenneth Branagh popularity 8/10  Kenneth Branagh quotes
Barry Lopez popularity 6/10  Barry Lopez quotesKenneth H. Blanchard popularity 0/10  Kenneth H. Blanchard quotes
Bayard Taylor popularity 5/10  Bayard Taylor quotesKin Hubbard popularity 5/10  Kin Hubbard quotes
Beatrice Potter Webb popularity 3/10  Beatrice Potter Webb quotesKlem Johansen popularity 0/10  Klem Johansen quotes
Beca Lewis popularity 0/10  Beca Lewis quotesKurt Vonnegut, Jr. popularity 0/10  Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. quotes
Ben Hecht popularity 3/10  Ben Hecht quotesL. Ron Hubbard popularity 7/10  L. Ron Hubbard quotes
Ben Stein popularity 8/10  Ben Stein quotesLamennais popularity 0/10  Lamennais quotes
Benjamin Cardozo popularity 5/10  Benjamin Cardozo quotesLangston Hughes popularity 10/10  Langston Hughes quotes
Benjamin Constant popularity 6/10  Benjamin Constant quotesLarry Gelbart popularity 0/10  Larry Gelbart quotes
Benjamin Franklin popularity 10/10  Benjamin Franklin quotesLarry L. King popularity 0/10  Larry L. King quotes
Benjamin Haydon popularity 0/10  Benjamin Haydon quotesLaura Dern popularity 8/10  Laura Dern quotes
Benvenuto Cellini popularity 7/10  Benvenuto Cellini quotesLaurell K Hamilton popularity 0/10  Laurell K Hamilton quotes
Bernard Levin popularity 6/10  Bernard Levin quotesLaurence Sterne popularity 5/10  Laurence Sterne quotes
Bernard Malamud popularity 7/10  Bernard Malamud quotesLawrence Clark Powell popularity 5/10  Lawrence Clark Powell quotes
Bethany Jane Andrews Hoey popularity 0/10  Bethany Jane Andrews Hoey quotesLeigh Hunt popularity 6/10  Leigh Hunt quotes
Bette Greene popularity 6/10  Bette Greene quotesLen Deighton popularity 6/10  Len Deighton quotes
Bill Bryson popularity 7/10  Bill Bryson quotesLeslie Poles Hartley popularity 0/10  Leslie Poles Hartley quotes
Bill Maher popularity 8/10  Bill Maher quotesLester Bangs popularity 6/10  Lester Bangs quotes
Billy Crystal popularity 7/10  Billy Crystal quotesLew Wallace popularity 6/10  Lew Wallace quotes
Billy Meier popularity 7/10  Billy Meier quotesLewis Mumford popularity 6/10  Lewis Mumford quotes
Bob Monkhouse popularity 5/10  Bob Monkhouse quotesLewis Thomas popularity 6/10  Lewis Thomas quotes
Bobby Darin popularity 9/10  Bobby Darin quotesLillian Smith popularity 6/10  Lillian Smith quotes
Boleslaw Prus popularity 0/10  Boleslaw Prus quotesLincoln Kirstein popularity 3/10  Lincoln Kirstein quotes
Bret Harte popularity 7/10  Bret Harte quotesLinda Reid popularity 0/10  Linda Reid quotes
Brian Aldiss popularity 5/10  Brian Aldiss quotesLiz Carpenter popularity 0/10  Liz Carpenter quotes
Brian Kessler popularity 0/10  Brian Kessler quotesLloyd C. Douglas popularity 5/10  Lloyd C. Douglas quotes
Brian Moore popularity 7/10  Brian Moore quotesLogan Pearsall Smith popularity 3/10  Logan Pearsall Smith quotes
Brooke Astor popularity 0/10  Brooke Astor quotesLord Lyttelton popularity 0/10  Lord Lyttelton quotes
C. Northcote Parkinson popularity 5/10  C. Northcote Parkinson quotesLouis Ferdinand Celine popularity 6/10  Louis Ferdinand Celine quotes
C. W. Ceram popularity 5/10  C. W. Ceram quotesLouis Kronenberger popularity 0/10  Louis Kronenberger quotes
C. Wright Mills popularity 7/10  C. Wright Mills quotesLouis L'Amour popularity 0/10  Louis L'Amour quotes
Calvin Trillin popularity 6/10  Calvin Trillin quotesLouise Erdrich popularity 7/10  Louise Erdrich quotes
Camilo Jose Cela popularity 6/10  Camilo Jose Cela quotesLucy Maud Montgomery popularity 7/10  Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes
Carl Theodor Dreyer popularity 0/10  Carl Theodor Dreyer quotesLuigi Pirandello popularity 7/10  Luigi Pirandello quotes
Carl Van Doren popularity 2/10  Carl Van Doren quotesLydia Maria Francis Child popularity 0/10  Lydia Maria Francis Child quotes
Carl Van Vechten popularity 6/10  Carl Van Vechten quotesLyn Yutang popularity 0/10  Lyn Yutang quotes
Carlos Castaneda popularity 8/10  Carlos Castaneda quotesLynda Barry popularity 6/10  Lynda Barry quotes
Carlos Fuentes popularity 8/10  Carlos Fuentes quotesM.K. Asante, Jr. popularity 0/10  M.K. Asante, Jr. quotes
Carol Gilligan popularity 8/10  Carol Gilligan quotesMarcel Pagnol popularity 6/10  Marcel Pagnol quotes
Carol Lynn Pearson popularity 0/10  Carol Lynn Pearson quotesMarcus Tullius Cicero popularity 6/10  Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes
Carolyn Kizer popularity 6/10  Carolyn Kizer quotesMargaret Atwood popularity 8/10  Margaret Atwood quotes
Carrie Fisher popularity 10/10  Carrie Fisher quotesMargaret Buffie popularity 0/10  Margaret Buffie quotes
Carson McCullers popularity 8/10  Carson McCullers quotesMargaret Culkin Banning popularity 0/10  Margaret Culkin Banning quotes
Caskie Stinnett popularity 0/10  Caskie Stinnett quotesMargaret Fuller popularity 8/10  Margaret Fuller quotes
Catherine Drinker Bowen popularity 2/10  Catherine Drinker Bowen quotesMargery Allingham popularity 6/10  Margery Allingham quotes
Cecil Maurice Bowra popularity 0/10  Cecil Maurice Bowra quotesMargery Williams popularity 0/10  Margery Williams quotes
Celia Brayfield popularity 0/10  Celia Brayfield quotesMarguerite Yourcenar popularity 6/10  Marguerite Yourcenar quotes
Chanakya popularity 2/10  Chanakya quotesMaria Edgeworth popularity 5/10  Maria Edgeworth quotes
Charles Bukowski popularity 8/10  Charles Bukowski quotesMariana Fulger popularity 0/10  Mariana Fulger quotes
Charles Caleb Colton popularity 5/10  Charles Caleb Colton quotesMarie de Sevigne popularity 0/10  Marie de Sevigne quotes
Charles de Gaulle popularity 8/10  Charles de Gaulle quotesMarilyn French popularity 6/10  Marilyn French quotes
Charles Du Bos popularity 0/10  Charles Du Bos quotesMarjory Stoneman Douglas popularity 0/10  Marjory Stoneman Douglas quotes
Charles Kingsley popularity 6/10  Charles Kingsley quotesMark Clifton popularity 0/10  Mark Clifton quotes
Charles R. Swindoll popularity 5/10  Charles R. Swindoll quotesMark Haddon popularity 7/10  Mark Haddon quotes
Charles Reznikoff popularity 3/10  Charles Reznikoff quotesMark Twain popularity 10/10  Mark Twain quotes
Charles Sanders Peirce popularity 5/10  Charles Sanders Peirce quotesMark van Doren popularity 6/10  Mark van Doren quotes
Charles W. Chesnutt popularity 5/10  Charles W. Chesnutt quotesMarquis De Custine popularity 0/10  Marquis De Custine quotes
Charles-Victor de Bonstettin popularity 0/10  Charles-Victor de Bonstettin quotesMarshall McLuhan popularity 7/10  Marshall McLuhan quotes
Charlie Chaplin popularity 9/10  Charlie Chaplin quotesMartin Andersen-Nexö popularity 0/10  Martin Andersen-Nexö quotes
Charlotte Perkins Gilman popularity 8/10  Charlotte Perkins Gilman quotesMartin Dansky popularity 0/10  Martin Dansky quotes
Cheewa James popularity 0/10  Cheewa James quotesMary Daly popularity 7/10  Mary Daly quotes
Chinua Achebe popularity 8/10  Chinua Achebe quotesMary Ellen Chase popularity 3/10  Mary Ellen Chase quotes
Christian Furchtegott Gellert popularity 0/10  Christian Furchtegott Gellert quotesMary Frances Berry popularity 6/10  Mary Frances Berry quotes
Christopher Fry popularity 5/10  Christopher Fry quotesMary Norton popularity 5/10  Mary Norton quotes
Christopher Isherwood popularity 6/10  Christopher Isherwood quotesMary Renault popularity 6/10  Mary Renault quotes
Christopher Morley popularity 6/10  Christopher Morley quotesMary Russell Mitford popularity 5/10  Mary Russell Mitford quotes
Cindi Wafstet popularity 0/10  Cindi Wafstet quotesMarya Mannes popularity 3/10  Marya Mannes quotes
Clarence B. Kelland popularity 0/10  Clarence B. Kelland quotesMaryanne Williamson popularity 0/10  Maryanne Williamson quotes
Clarence Darrow popularity 8/10  Clarence Darrow quotesMavis Gallant popularity 5/10  Mavis Gallant quotes
Clarence Day popularity 5/10  Clarence Day quotesMax Beerbohm popularity 5/10  Max Beerbohm quotes
Claude McKay popularity 8/10  Claude McKay quotesMax Eastman popularity 0/10  Max Eastman quotes
Clint Eastwood popularity 10/10  Clint Eastwood quotesMaxine Hong Kingston popularity 7/10  Maxine Hong Kingston quotes
Clive Barker popularity 8/10  Clive Barker quotesMaxine Kumin popularity 6/10  Maxine Kumin quotes
Comte de Mirabeau popularity 5/10  Comte de Mirabeau quotesMaxwell Bodenheim popularity 0/10  Maxwell Bodenheim quotes
Conan O'Brien popularity 0/10  Conan O'Brien quotesMay Swenson popularity 0/10  May Swenson quotes
Dame Mary Gilmore popularity 5/10  Dame Mary Gilmore quotesMeister Eckhart popularity 7/10  Meister Eckhart quotes
Damon Runyon popularity 6/10  Damon Runyon quotesMel Brooks popularity 9/10  Mel Brooks quotes
Dan Aykroyd popularity 8/10  Dan Aykroyd quotesMerrit Malloy popularity 5/10  Merrit Malloy quotes
Dan Castellaneta popularity 7/10  Dan Castellaneta quotesMichael Crichton popularity 8/10  Michael Crichton quotes
Danielle Steel popularity 8/10  Danielle Steel quotesMichael Harrington popularity 7/10  Michael Harrington quotes
Danny Reyntiens popularity 0/10  Danny Reyntiens quotesMichael L. Dertouzos popularity 0/10  Michael L. Dertouzos quotes
Dashiell Hammett popularity 6/10  Dashiell Hammett quotesMichael O'Donoghue popularity 0/10  Michael O'Donoghue quotes
Dave Barry popularity 8/10  Dave Barry quotesMichael Parkinson popularity 6/10  Michael Parkinson quotes
Dave Winer popularity 2/10  Dave Winer quotesMichael Winner popularity 3/10  Michael Winner quotes
David Borenstein popularity 2/10  David Borenstein quotesMichel de Montaigne popularity 6/10  Michel de Montaigne quotes
David Brin popularity 6/10  David Brin quotesMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra popularity 6/10  Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra quotes
David Brooks popularity 6/10  David Brooks quotesMilovan Djilas popularity 5/10  Milovan Djilas quotes
David Gerrold popularity 6/10  David Gerrold quotesMitchell Burgess popularity 0/10  Mitchell Burgess quotes
DAVID GRAYSON popularity 5/10  DAVID GRAYSON quotesMoliere popularity 8/10  Moliere quotes
David Harris popularity 6/10  David Harris quotesMordecai Richler popularity 6/10  Mordecai Richler quotes
David Herbert Lawrence popularity 0/10  David Herbert Lawrence quotesMorris Fishbein popularity 2/10  Morris Fishbein quotes
David Kenyon Webster popularity 0/10  David Kenyon Webster quotesMoshe Waldoks popularity 0/10  Moshe Waldoks quotes
David McCord popularity 5/10  David McCord quotesMuriel Rukeyser popularity 6/10  Muriel Rukeyser quotes
David Quammen popularity 0/10  David Quammen quotesNadine Gordimer popularity 0/10  Nadine Gordimer quotes
David Starr Jordan popularity 3/10  David Starr Jordan quotesNaguib Mahfouz popularity 6/10  Naguib Mahfouz quotes
David Weinbaum popularity 0/10  David Weinbaum quotesNancy Friday popularity 8/10  Nancy Friday quotes
Deborah Tannen popularity 7/10  Deborah Tannen quotesNancy Mitford popularity 5/10  Nancy Mitford quotes
Delmore Schwartz popularity 6/10  Delmore Schwartz quotesNancy Newhall popularity 0/10  Nancy Newhall quotes
Delphine-Gay de Girardin popularity 0/10  Delphine-Gay de Girardin quotesNancy Willard popularity 5/10  Nancy Willard quotes
Demetri Martin popularity 0/10  Demetri Martin quotesNanette Newman popularity 0/10  Nanette Newman quotes
Denis de Rougemont popularity 0/10  Denis de Rougemont quotesNaomi Klein popularity 7/10  Naomi Klein quotes
Diane Ackerman popularity 6/10  Diane Ackerman quotesNaomi Mitchison popularity 0/10  Naomi Mitchison quotes
Diane Ackermann popularity 0/10  Diane Ackermann quotesNatalie Clifford Barney popularity 3/10  Natalie Clifford Barney quotes
Dirceu Alves Ferreira popularity 0/10  Dirceu Alves Ferreira quotesNathaniel Bronner Jr. popularity 0/10  Nathaniel Bronner Jr. quotes
Don Kardong popularity 0/10  Don Kardong quotesNathaniel Hawthorne popularity 9/10  Nathaniel Hawthorne quotes
Don Marquis popularity 6/10  Don Marquis quotesNathaniel Parker Willis popularity 2/10  Nathaniel Parker Willis quotes
Doris Lessing popularity 7/10  Doris Lessing quotesNelson Algren popularity 6/10  Nelson Algren quotes
Doris Lilly popularity 3/10  Doris Lilly quotesNiccolo Machiavelli popularity 8/10  Niccolo Machiavelli quotes
Dorothea Brande popularity 2/10  Dorothea Brande quotesNicholas Sparks popularity 8/10  Nicholas Sparks quotes
Dorothy Allison popularity 6/10  Dorothy Allison quotesNicolas Gomez Davila popularity 0/10  Nicolas Gomez Davila quotes
Dorothy Fields popularity 5/10  Dorothy Fields quotesNikos Kazantzakis popularity 5/10  Nikos Kazantzakis quotes
Dorothy L. Sayers popularity 3/10  Dorothy L. Sayers quotesNoel Clarasó popularity 0/10  Noel Clarasó quotes
Dorothy Nevill popularity 0/10  Dorothy Nevill quotesNorman Vincent Peale popularity 8/10  Norman Vincent Peale quotes
Dorothy Parker popularity 8/10  Dorothy Parker quotesO. Henry popularity 8/10  O. Henry quotes
Dorothy Thompson popularity 5/10  Dorothy Thompson quotesOctavio Paz popularity 8/10  Octavio Paz quotes
Dorthea Brande popularity 0/10  Dorthea Brande quotesOgden Nash popularity 8/10  Ogden Nash quotes
Douglas Adams popularity 8/10  Douglas Adams quotesOlive Schreiner popularity 5/10  Olive Schreiner quotes
Dr. Carl Sagan popularity 0/10  Dr. Carl Sagan quotesOliver Herford popularity 5/10  Oliver Herford quotes
Dr. Laurence J. Peter popularity 3/10  Dr. Laurence J. Peter quotesOliver Wendell Holmes popularity 8/10  Oliver Wendell Holmes quotes
Dr. Seuss popularity 9/10  Dr. Seuss quotesOrson Welles popularity 8/10  Orson Welles quotes
Dr.Ili Gidov popularity 0/10  Dr.Ili Gidov quotesP. D. James popularity 5/10  P. D. James quotes
Dushan Wegner popularity 0/10  Dushan Wegner quotesP. G. Wodehouse popularity 6/10  P. G. Wodehouse quotes
Dylan Thomas popularity 8/10  Dylan Thomas quotesP. J. O'Rourke popularity 0/10  P. J. O'Rourke quotes
E. B. White popularity 6/10  E. B. White quotesP. L. Travers popularity 3/10  P. L. Travers quotes
E. V. Lucas popularity 0/10  E. V. Lucas quotesPamela Hansford Johnson popularity 0/10  Pamela Hansford Johnson quotes
Earl Nightingale popularity 7/10  Earl Nightingale quotesPatricia McCormick popularity 0/10  Patricia McCormick quotes
Eberhard Arnold popularity 2/10  Eberhard Arnold quotesPatrick Kavanagh popularity 1/10  Patrick Kavanagh quotes
Eden Phillpotts popularity 0/10  Eden Phillpotts quotesPatty Duke popularity 8/10  Patty Duke quotes
Edgar Allan Poe popularity 10/10  Edgar Allan Poe quotesPaul Bowles popularity 6/10  Paul Bowles quotes
Edith Clara Summerskill popularity 0/10  Edith Clara Summerskill quotesPaul Carvel popularity 0/10  Paul Carvel quotes
Edmondo De Amicis popularity 0/10  Edmondo De Amicis quotesPaul Eipper popularity 0/10  Paul Eipper quotes
Edmund Clarence Stedman popularity 0/10  Edmund Clarence Stedman quotesPaul Geraldy popularity 5/10  Paul Geraldy quotes
Edmund Ruffin popularity 6/10  Edmund Ruffin quotesPaul Keller popularity 6/10  Paul Keller quotes
Edna Ferber popularity 7/10  Edna Ferber quotesPaul Theroux popularity 6/10  Paul Theroux quotes
Edna O'Brien popularity 0/10  Edna O'Brien quotesPaul Tournier popularity 5/10  Paul Tournier quotes
Edward Abbey popularity 7/10  Edward Abbey quotesPaula Gunn Allen popularity 5/10  Paula Gunn Allen quotes
Edward Carpenter popularity 5/10  Edward Carpenter quotesPeter Ackroyd popularity 5/10  Peter Ackroyd quotes
Edward de Bono popularity 7/10  Edward de Bono quotesPeter Altenberg popularity 0/10  Peter Altenberg quotes
Edward Everett Hale popularity 6/10  Edward Everett Hale quotesPeter F. Drucker popularity 6/10  Peter F. Drucker quotes
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