“I look at him as a surfing mentor. He put a lot of time into the young kids. He's one of the most surf-stoked guys I know. When surf's there, he's there. For me, the ultimate dream is to be a surfer for eternity, and he's on that path.”
“Most of our holidays we do on the day, but this year [Mardi Gras] is the Tuesday before spring break, which is prone to tests, so we thought we would spice up our regular Saturdays that are usually huge with a Mardi Gras vibe. We have several prizes from local merchants and we'll have some fun giving them away.”
“I tell them to pursue their passion, don't let anyone stop you and don't give in to peer pressure. I've seen a lot of amazing surfers who should have been here (at this contest), but never made it because of drugs. And it's a shame.”