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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There's undoubtedly a disconnect here between mobile subscribers and service providers and it would appear to be related to the way that services such as these are being communicated to subscribers. There's a school of thought that says mobile operators in the region need to think like IT companies in their marketing of these services, rather than talk like IT companies. The opportunities for operators are huge, not just in revenue terms, but in differentiating themselves in the region's increasingly competitive markets.”

 Alexander McNabb quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“A key concern is the future. If people aren't buying Internet and content access today, then you have to ask how adoption of broadband access services such as 3G can be built. The technology roadmap is clear, but subscribers appear not to be aware of just how they can use the mobile services being offered to them today, let alone in future.”

 Alexander McNabb quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Most people in both markets had heard about 3G purely through word of mouth or personal research, which would tend to lead to the conclusion that there's a marketing issue behind the reactions we saw in the survey.”

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