“This is an era of woman's work in many spheres of activity -- of independent thought and individual achievement in the arts and sciences and learned professions, as well as the humbler, but not more self-sacrificing fields of usefulness. But every woman pursues the eternal quest for love, for sympathy, for understanding, for happiness, and in her heart is the great, holy yearning for motherhood.”
“And so I began to do my silly women. These characters, these bird-witted ladies whom I have characterized so often . . . derive from my part in The Vinegar Tree. I am neatly typed . . . possibly irrevocably typed, although I sincerely hope not, for I should like better parts, for those are the roles that I was trained in -- the gay but intelligent, well-written, funny but believable roles. . . . But if people will laugh at my work and keep a sound roof over my head, who am I to complain?”
“I think when an actress marries she should leave the stage. She cannot be happy if she is married and remains on the stage. She must care more for her art or for her husband. . . . If I ever loved a man better than I love my art, I should marry him and leave the stage. But I have never met such a man.”
“There is no reason why marriage should necessarily compel an actress to forego her career. An actress who has the gift of swaying the emotions of an audience, of compelling tribute of tears, or of moving the public to joyous merriment, cannot always be satisfied to set aside her whole career, in the work that she loves, simply because she is married.”
“No woman has less temptation to seek matrimony from sordid motives of selfishness or convenience. The actress is an absolutely independent wage-earner, and better compensated than the great majority of women who make their own livelihoods. She need not marry for money, or social position, for these are her natural possessions.”