“[Left with $100 in his pocket, no food or clothes other than those on his back, and no gasoline in his car, Mr. Diaz wondered where he will live.] I regret even coming back, ... We wanted to see what we could save, but now we're stuck here.”
“I don't know if you actually knew, but I don't think you're surprised, ... Was it prevalent in the locker room? No way. Romo was into a lot of different things. He had the passion for training and was always looking for every way to improve himself. Where those boundaries crossed, I don't know.”
“NY1's goal was not just to be a little brother or sister to what the other stations were doing. They wanted to be players in the same game. For a long time they didn't have the resources to do that. But now you go to places that have TV's on all the time, and you'll see NY1.”
“Some people might second-guess us leaving him out there. He's one of those seniors who you have to pry the ball out of his hand. He was three pitches away from having a great game, but that's baseball.”