“Physicists and astronomers see their own implications in the world being round, but to me it means that only one-third of the world is asleep at any given time and the other two-thirds is up to something.”
“I think we would be hard pressed to tell our own people why we are doing this with India when even the British won't do it or the Australians won't do it and the Canadians won't do it. We need to have those other flags flying on these joint enterprises.”
“[Also on the tapes, Dean Rusk, Kennedy's secretary of state, counsels that the use of nuclear weapons would have to have support from America's allies.] I think we would be hard pressed to tell our own people why we are doing this with India when even the British won't do it or the Australians won't do it and the Canadians won't do it, ... We need to have those other flags flying on these joint enterprises.”