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Demi Moore quotes

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American actress, producer, b.1962
Demi Moore quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The truth is you can have a great marriage, but there are still no guarantees.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There's this idea that if you take your clothes off, somehow you must have loose morals. There's still a negative attitude in our society towards women who use a strength that's inherent - their femininity - in any way that might be considered seductive.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I'm sure there are a lot of people who think I'm a bitch.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Marriage was a goal. A family, for me as a young girl, was my image of what I hoped for. It was part of the big picture.”

 Demi Moore quote

Similar Quotes. About: Marriage quotes, Family quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I had an essence in my life that I was nothing.”

 Demi Moore quote

About: Life quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I want things to be the best they can be. I want greatness.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I don't like to take my clothes off.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I said I would get better with each baby, and I have.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Look, when people came after me for doing 'Indecent Proposal' or 'Disclosure,' I thought, 'Ridiculous.' These people are trying to limit me as an actor. Are they saying I can't play these roles? Well, I've proved I can.”

 Demi Moore quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Emilio Estevez was definitely my first love.”

 Demi Moore quote

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