“I do envision championship basketball and when you talk about championship basketball, you talk about a good defensive team, you talk about a good offensive team and you talk about a team that really has its act together once they step on the floor. Our goal is to dominate the east and we must continue to dominate the east so that we can have another return to the NBA Finals. And I think mentally we have to become a tougher basketball team. I think mental toughness is going to be the thing that makes us champions.”
“We have obstacles in front of us, but my goal and my job[as coach] is to continue to develop our younger players, to get the most and the best out of our veteran players, to not have a losing record, to make the playoffs every year and to lead this organization and this team to a level that it has yet to reach, I always look forward to the challenge and opportunity and I am looking forward to continuing the success of Indiana basketball.”
“It’s something that I have been blessed with in terms of playing the game and being able to understand the game. Not being able to exercise that gift while I was out of the game, I really found a void in myself and a hole in my soul. I said the biggest problem that I have had in that time was that I woke up and I didn’t go to the gym. I have been successful in a lot of other areas but not having the ability to exercise the greatest gift that I have, which is basketball, you know I have missed it.”
“As I sit here right now, I can't say how many games we'll win or what position we'll end up in. [Last season] was a very unpleasant taste in my mouth and the players' mouths. They're committed to getting better, but we'll see. We just want to be better than we were last year.”
“We should be extremely careful not to give him something that he doesn't have and not to keep putting him in a light of a patient or someone who is sick, because doctors have cleared him and checked him out and said that he doesn't have a condition. We need to be extremely sensitive to him and not keep saying that he has this because clearly he doesn't.”
“John is doing the best job that he possibly can do with the situation that he was dealt with. I have great respect for him and I wish him and the Bulls' organization nothing but success.”