“In the early days all I hoped was to make a living out of what I did best. But, since there's no real market for masturbation I had to fall back on my bass playing abilities.”
“It's a great little ego boost to look out and see all these people. I saw Roger Waters there recently. It was great and marvelous, but would I rather have seen Roger Waters at the Warfield? Hell yah man! I would've paid twice as much to see that!”
“You might have a favorite book or film, but you can only watch or read it so many times before you have to let it sit and then go back and realize it's your favorite still. At some point everything gets a little stale and you have to step away from it.”
“Rage Against the Machine just broke up. The Chili Peppers are taking a hiatus. I just heard Newsted quit Metallica. It's going to be interesting what transpires out of all this.”