“You don't keep real confidence in the economy when you hear that the Social Security system is going broke. Americans weren't persuaded by his solution. So we got a crisis without a solution.”
“They feel emboldened in a way that they weren't after 9-11. They see that their criticisms help shape public opinion and they are emboldened by seeing erosion in the Republican Party unity.”
“The problem will be finding floor time, especially in the Senate, where Supreme Court nominations, appropriations bills, (budget) reconciliation, and post-Katrina/Rita measures leave little time for anything else, ... Steroids are likely to carry over to next year.”
“I think Governor Bush can feel very confident that Cheney will not be a negative and will be a marvelous positive, ... if he is fortunate enough to be elected to the White House.”
“In the old days, [the committee] raised small amounts of money, doled it out to people who didn't need it and sat back and waited to see who would win.”
“I think personal experiences make a huge difference on issues like this. The promise of breakthroughs in research (on) Parkinson's disease or juvenile diabetes are sufficient for some pro-life politicians to support public funding of stem cell research.”
“I would say Joe Lieberman (would be perceived as being the most pro-business), ... is the least likely of the major candidates to win the nomination.”
“I think was Harry Truman who said, 'If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic,' ... The idea that somehow a Democratic majority is harmful for the economy strikes me as fanciful. It's financial fiction.”