Hans Magnus Enzensberger quotes
Lily Tomlin quotes (American Actress and Comedian. Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 2003.b.1939)
Dr. Joyce Brothers quotes (American Psychologist, Columnist and Author, b.1928)
William Saroyan quotes (American Writer known for his stories celebrating the joy of living in spite of poverty. 1908-1981)
Beryl Markham quotes (English Aviator, She was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic east to west (1936). 1902-1986)
Connie Mack quotes
Frank Capra quotes (Italian born American Film Director, 1897-1991)
William Swing quotes
Marsha Sinetar quotes
Federico Garcia Lorca quotes (Spanish Poet and Playwright who, in a career that spanned just 19 years, resurrected and revitalized the most basic strains of Spanish poetry and theatre. 1898-1936)