teacher quotes
The best quotes for and by teachers!
by Jenny Lorenz
Everybody knows teachers and therefore everybody has his own opinion about them. The following teacher quotes are thought to show some of these opinions. On the one hand you will find positive and motivating teacher quotes and on the other hand funny teacher quotes taken from different situations in a classroom.
Teachers all over the world have the same aim, to encourage their students to learn and become independent adults. Therefore they are respected and shall be motivated by the following teacher quotes!
Enjoy your reading of these positive and motivating teacher quotes!
Nearly all teachers share one characteristic all over the world. They use, invent and recite witty phrases whether to be funny or to be serious. The following teachers quotes are such phrases. Do some of these teachers quotes sound familiar to you!?
Enjoy your reading of these funny and familiar teacher quotes!
TIP: If you wonder where teachers get all these brilliant phrases they recite by times, search on thinkexist.com and wonder how many of the most famous quotes are teacher quotes!