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Brendan Gleeson quotes

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Brendan Gleeson popularity 7/10
    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“As long as such suburbs do not end up as commuter dormitories or nothing more than commuter suburbs. The next stage is to produce a richer range of activities and employment opportunities so they can be more self-contained. I think Springfield is a first step, but only a first step and the next phase is going to be critical and that is achieving higher level of self-containment.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Moody is a gunslinger with a wand. He's someone who has chased the demons away from goodness to the extent that he's gotten quite warped by it. One of the things [director] Mike Newell suggested when we first discussed the character was that Moody's great wounds have damaged him greatly. It's a very interesting arc to play with this character, who comes into Hogwarts as death warmed over and grows into someone the kids learn to trust.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“He has no time for book learning or pussy-footing about. He wants to show these young men and women what they're up against - evil exists and they better know what they're getting themselves into. He's a one-man initiation ceremony, a walking rite-of-passage. He doesn't believe in treading lightly with Harry or the other students because that won't prepare them for the real world.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“He never patronizes them. He can be quite idiosyncratic,”

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