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    I Like this quote I dislike this quotePut the money on table and get your mack on, break it down, split it up, and get your math on.

 P. Diddy, Puff Daddy quotes (American . b.1969,Harlem, New York, USA)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteHaters wanna stop my lute,they don't want me wearing Sean John, they want me wearing lawn suits.

 P. Diddy, Puff Daddy quotes (American . b.1969,Harlem, New York, USA)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteYeah right, no matter what were air tight, so when you hear something make sure you hear it right.

 P. Diddy, Puff Daddy quotes (American . b.1969,Harlem, New York, USA)

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