“The front-runner in the Republican party will be John McCain, based on his performance at the convention, support for Bush and his polling numbers both nationally and in the early primary states, ... His favorable rating [in national voter surveys] is at about 70 percent among Republicans, Democrats and independents, which is kind of unique.”
“Watch the governor of Massachusetts, very attractive, ... He's getting very high marks for governing and he's an overnight top-tier candidate in the neighboring state of New Hampshire. Romney is someone to watch, he's gotten way out on the gay marriage issue -- being against it --which helps him with social conservatives, which is the base of the Republican Party.”
“such established Clinton-haters as Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire have prominently co-authored legislation with Mrs. Clinton.”
“Clinton has quickly and methodically become a force to be reckoned with in the Senate. Like Lyndon Johnson before her, she is mastering the Senate to fit her agenda.”
“[But] we're in a 20-day race where everything matters, ... It's going to be extremely close, with undecided voters making up their minds right up to the day before election day.”
“I expect to see her name as a potential candidate down the road, but until then I look forward to continuing to work for her as a representative of West Virginia,”
“There's still three more years. Look, this has been a rough patch, as rough as this modern-day Republican Party has been through in 30 years. But while this has been going on, look at the other side of the aisle, no leaders, no ideas, no agenda.”