Elie Wiesel quotes (Romanian born American Writer. Nobel Prize for Peace in 1986. b.1928)
E. L. Doctorow quotes (American Author and Editor, b.1931)
William Saroyan quotes (American Writer known for his stories celebrating the joy of living in spite of poverty. 1908-1981)
Gao Xingjian quotes (Chinese émigré novelist, playwright, and critic, 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature, b.1940)
F. Scott Fitzgerald quotes (American Writer. Author of The Great Gatsby. 1896-1940)
Joan Didion quotes (American Journalist and Novelist, b.1934)
Ray Bradbury quotes (American science-fiction short stories and novels writer,1920)
Isaac Bashevis Singer quotes (Polish-born American writer 1904-1991)
Moliere quotes (French Actor, Playwright and Writer the greatest of all writers of French comedy, 1622-1673)
James Thurber quotes (American Writer, 1894-1961)
Francis Bacon, Sr. quotes (English Lawyer and Philosopher. 1561-1626)